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Natasha Kulinski

Signs of a Rat Infestation: How to Identify Baby Rats and Other Clues

Rats can cause significant damage to homes and businesses, posing health risks and structural issues. Recognising the early signs of a rat infestation, including identifying baby rats, can help you take action before the problem grows. Here’s what you need to know to spot the signs and respond effectively.

1. Identifying Baby Rats: What They Look Like and Where to Find Them

Baby rats, also known as pups, are a clear sign that rats are breeding and settling in your space. Here’s what to look for:

  • Appearance: Baby rats are small, typically around 1–3 inches in length when they’re first born. They have pink, hairless skin, and their eyes are closed until they’re a few days old. As they grow, they develop soft fur, and their eyes open, resembling adult rats but on a smaller scale.
  • Location: Baby rats are often found in nests, which rats build in hidden, warm areas. Common nesting spots include behind walls, in attics, basements, or near insulation. Check dark, quiet spaces where rats can reproduce undisturbed.

Identifying baby rats early can prevent a full-scale infestation, as these young rats will quickly grow, breed, and multiply.

2. Other Signs of a Rat Infestation

In addition to spotting baby rats, there are several other signs that indicate a rat infestation in your home or business. Look out for these clues:

  • Droppings: Rat droppings are often one of the first signs of an infestation. They are small, capsule-shaped, and dark in colour, typically found near food sources, nesting areas, or along pathways rats frequently travel. Fresh droppings are soft and moist, while older ones are hard and dry.
  • Gnaw Marks: Rats constantly gnaw to keep their teeth sharp. Look for chewed wires, furniture, insulation, or wooden structures. Newer gnaw marks are lighter in colour, while older ones are darker.
  • Nests and Shredded Materials: Rats build nests using shredded paper, fabric, insulation, and other soft materials. If you find piles of shredded items in secluded areas, it’s a likely sign that rats are nesting nearby.
  • Footprints and Tail Marks: In dusty areas, you might see rat footprints or tail marks. Rats have small, clawed feet that leave distinctive prints, and their tails leave long, sweeping marks in the dust. A quick way to detect recent activity is to sprinkle a thin layer of flour or talcum powder and check for tracks the next day.
  • Grease Marks: Rats have oily fur, which can leave dark smudges or grease marks along walls and baseboards where they frequently travel. These marks often appear as dark streaks and indicate their regular pathways.
  • Scratching Noises: Rats are typically active at night. You might hear scratching or scurrying noises in walls, ceilings, or floors, especially in the attic or basement. These sounds often signal movement to and from their nests.

3. Health Risks of a Rat Infestation

Rats carry diseases and parasites that can pose serious health risks to humans. Some common diseases associated with rats include leptospirosis, salmonella, and hantavirus. In addition, rat droppings, urine, and dander can trigger allergies and respiratory issues, particularly in sensitive individuals.

By identifying an infestation early, you can protect yourself and your family from these health risks.

4. How to Handle a Rat Infestation

Once you’ve identified signs of a rat infestation, it’s essential to act quickly. Here’s what you can do:

  • Seal Entry Points: Rats can squeeze through very small gaps, so inspect your home or building for cracks, holes, or gaps around doors, windows, pipes, and vents. Seal these with steel wool, caulk, or metal mesh to block entry.
  • Eliminate Food Sources: Store food in airtight containers, clean up crumbs and spills immediately, and ensure bins are tightly sealed. Avoid leaving pet food out overnight.
  • Set Traps: For minor infestations, use traps in areas where you’ve seen signs of rats. Place them along walls and in dark areas. Opt for humane traps if preferred, or use snap traps for quicker results.
  • Contact a Professional: For larger infestations or quicker results, a professional pest control service can provide a thorough inspection, safe removal, and ongoing prevention measures. They can also check for nests and hard-to-reach entry points.


Rats can quickly become a serious issue if left unchecked, so it’s vital to recognise the signs early. By learning how to identify baby rats and other clues, you can act promptly to remove them and prevent further damage. If you suspect an infestation or find signs of rats in your property, take steps to secure your space or contact a professional for assistance. Swift action can make all the difference in keeping your home or business rat-free and safe.

How to Deter Foxes: Understanding Fox Repellent and Safety Concerns

Foxes are increasingly becoming a familiar sight in urban areas, including London and other major cities across the UK. While they can seem harmless, they can cause damage to property, disturb pets, and leave an unsightly mess. This raises common questions, like “Are foxes dangerous?”“How can I deter foxes?” and “Do foxes attack humans?” In this blog, we’ll cover these concerns and explore the most effective fox repellents and methods to help you get rid of foxes in a safe and humane way.

Are Foxes Dangerous?

While foxes can appear bold and inquisitive, especially in urban areas, they are generally not dangerous to humans. Foxes are naturally shy animals that prefer to avoid confrontation. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  1. Foxes and Pets: Foxes rarely attack pets, but they may go after smaller animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, or chickens. If you have any of these in your garden, ensure they are housed securely.
  2. Foxes and Disease: Foxes can carry diseases such as mange, toxoplasmosis, and even rabies (though rabies is extremely rare in the UK). It’s always best to avoid handling a fox, particularly if it looks unwell or injured.
  3. Foxes and Humans: Instances of foxes attacking humans are incredibly rare. Most foxes will run away at the sight of a person. However, they may become more defensive if they feel cornered, or if they are protecting their cubs.

Do Foxes Attack Humans?

As mentioned above, attacks on humans by foxes are exceedingly rare. Foxes are typically more scared of humans than we are of them. However, in some exceptional cases, urban foxes have been known to venture too close for comfort. This behaviour is usually driven by an over-familiarity with people, often because they have been fed. To avoid this, it’s best not to leave food outside or actively encourage foxes to visit your property.

How to Deter Foxes

If foxes are frequently visiting your garden or business property, there are several steps you can take to deter them effectively. Here are some tried-and-tested methods:

  1. Use Fox Repellents: Fox repellents come in many forms, including sprays and granules designed to emit smells that foxes find unpleasant, such as garlic or chilli. Ultrasonic devices are another option, emitting high-pitched sounds that deter foxes without disturbing humans or pets.
  2. Eliminate Food Sources: Foxes are scavengers, and one of the primary reasons they may visit your property is because they can smell food. Ensure that bins are tightly closed and clean up any food waste or pet food left outside. Foxes are opportunistic and will return to an easy food source.
  3. Secure Your Property: To keep foxes out, make sure your garden is as impenetrable as possible. Foxes can dig under fences, so ensure the base of your fence extends underground or is reinforced with chicken wire. Additionally, seal off any potential entry points into sheds or under decking where foxes may be tempted to make a den.
  4. Motion-Activated Lights: Foxes are nocturnal and tend to be skittish around sudden movement or light. Installing motion-activated lights in your garden can scare them away before they become comfortable in your space.

How to Get Rid of Foxes Humanely

If foxes are causing problems around your home or business, and you want to get rid of foxes in a humane way, it’s important to avoid harmful or illegal methods like poisoning or trapping. Foxes are protected under UK wildlife laws, and harming them can lead to legal consequences.

Instead, focus on the following strategies:

  • Repellents: As discussed, repellents can be very effective when used correctly.
  • Fox-Proofing: Make your property less attractive by securing bins, fencing, and eliminating hiding places.
  • Professional Help: If the problem persists, it’s best to consult a professional pest control service experienced in wildlife management. They can assess the situation and provide safe, effective advice on how to deal with foxes on your property.


Foxes may not be as dangerous as their reputation suggests, but they can still cause disturbances, particularly in urban areas. By understanding how to deter foxes using repellents, eliminating food sources, and securing your property, you can reduce the likelihood of foxes visiting your garden or business premises. If the problem becomes overwhelming, always seek professional help to ensure the foxes are handled humanely and effectively.

So, while foxes generally pose no threat to humans, knowing how to get rid of foxes safely is essential for peace of mind and preventing potential property damage.

False Widow Spiders

How to Identify False Widow Spiders

False widow spiders have become a topic of interest and concern in the UK. Known for their distinctive appearance and the occasional media frenzy about their bites, these spiders often prompt questions like “Should I kill a false widow spider?” and “Are false widows dangerous?” This blog will help you identify false widow spiders, understand their bite symptoms, and know what to do if you encounter them.

Identifying False Widow Spiders

False widow spiders, or Steatoda species, are commonly found in the UK and are often mistaken for the more dangerous black widow spiders due to their similar appearance. Here’s how to identify them:

  1. Size: False widows are medium-sized spiders, with females typically measuring about 8-13mm in body length and males being smaller.
  2. Colour and Markings: They have a shiny, bulbous abdomen which can range in colour from purplish-brown to black, often with distinctive cream markings that can resemble a skull shape.
  3. Web: These spiders create a messy, tangled web in corners, cracks, and crevices, often at elevated positions.
  4. Habitat: False widows prefer warm, sheltered environments like sheds, attics, and garages. In the UK, they are particularly common in the southern regions.
False Widow Spider
Black Widow Spider

Look-Alike Spiders

There are several spiders that can be mistaken for false widows due to their similar size and colour. The common house spider, for instance, shares some characteristics but lacks the glossy sheen and the specific markings of the false widow. If you’re unsure, it’s best to consult an expert in pest control for accurate identification or use our Pest Identification Tool.

False Widow Spider Bites

Symptoms of a False Widow Bite

A bite from a false widow spider can cause various symptoms, although they are generally mild:

  • Pain and Redness: The bite site may be red and swollen, with some reports describing the pain as similar to a bee sting.
  • Nausea and Fever: In rarer cases, individuals might experience nausea, fever, and dizziness.
  • Necrosis: Severe reactions, though uncommon, can include a small area of necrosis (dead tissue) around the bite site.

It’s crucial to note that while these spiders can bite, they are not aggressive and bites are rare. Most bites occur when the spider is provoked or trapped against the skin.

What to Do if Bitten

If you suspect a false widow spider bite, clean the area with soap and water and apply a cool compress to reduce swelling. Over-the-counter painkillers can help manage discomfort. However, if symptoms worsen or signs of an allergic reaction appear, seek medical attention promptly.

Are False Widows Dangerous?

The false widow spider is often sensationalised in the media, leading to fears about its danger to humans. While their bites can be uncomfortable, they are not generally life-threatening. Most people experience minor symptoms that resolve without medical intervention.

Should I Kill False Widow Spiders?

Given their relatively low risk, there’s no need to kill false widow spiders. They are part of our ecosystem and help control pest populations. If you find them in your home, it’s usually sufficient to relocate them outdoors. For large infestations, you may need to seek professional pest control for removal.

carpet beetle control London

Carpet Beetles: Everything You Need to Know

Carpet beetles are a common pest that can cause significant damage to your home if left unchecked. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about these tiny intruders, including their life cycle, the problems they cause, and how to get rid of carpet beetles effectively.

What Are Carpet Beetles?

Carpet beetles are small insects belonging to the family Dermestidae. They are commonly found in homes across the UK. There are several species, but the most common in the UK include the varied carpet beetle (Anthrenus verbasci), the black carpet beetle, and the furniture carpet beetle.

Varied Carpet Beetle

The varied carpet beetle, also known as Anthrenus carpet beetle, is particularly widespread. Its larvae, often referred to as ‘woolly bears,’ are notorious for feeding on natural fibres such as wool, silk, and leather, causing damage to carpets, clothing, and upholstery.

Carpet Beetle Life Cycle

Understanding the carpet beetle life cycle is key to controlling these pests.

Eggs: Female carpet beetles lay their eggs in dark, hidden places where food is abundant. Carpet beetle eggs are tiny and hard to spot, often laid in clusters on or near potential food sources.

Larvae: Once the eggs hatch, the larvae emerge. Carpet beetle larvae are small, hairy, and can vary in colour. They are the most destructive stage, feeding on natural fibres and causing significant damage.

Pupae: After a period of feeding and growth, the larvae pupate, transforming into adult beetles.

Adults: Adult carpet beetles are small (about 3-4 mm), oval-shaped, and often patterned with various colours. While adult beetles are primarily pollen feeders, they are responsible for laying the eggs that will produce the next generation of larvae.

Lifecycle of a carpet beetle

Do Carpet Beetles Bite?

One common question is whether carpet beetles bite. The answer is no; carpet beetles do not bite humans. However, their larvae can cause skin irritation. When larvae shed their bristly hairs, these can cause an allergic reaction in some people, leading to a carpet beetle rash.

What Causes Carpet Beetles?

Carpet beetles are attracted to homes where there is an abundance of food sources such as wool, fur, feathers, and other natural materials. Poor housekeeping, improper storage of clothes, and the presence of dead insects can also attract these pests. Additionally, carpet beetles can fly, making it easy for them to enter homes through windows and doors.

How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Getting rid of carpet beetles requires a multi-faceted approach:

  1. Cleaning: Regular cleaning and vacuuming can help remove carpet beetle larvae and eggs from carpets, upholstery, and other areas where they might be hiding.
  2. Storage: Store natural fibre clothing and fabrics in sealed containers to prevent carpet beetles from accessing them.
  3. Professional Help: If the infestation is severe, consider spraying for carpet beetles with the help of a professional pest control service.

Preventing Carpet Beetles

Preventative measures are crucial in keeping carpet beetles at bay. Regular inspections, proper storage of fabrics, and maintaining good household hygiene can go a long way.

Carpet beetles can be a nuisance, but with proper knowledge and action, you can control and prevent infestations. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and the use of appropriate pest control products are essential in managing carpet beetles. If you find yourself dealing with a severe infestation, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance to ensure your home remains pest-free.

By staying vigilant and taking proactive measures, you can keep your home free from carpet beetles and the damage they cause.

cockroach control London

Understanding Cockroaches: A Comprehensive Guide for the UK

Cockroaches are among the most resilient and common pests found globally, including in the UK. With their ability to adapt and thrive in various environments, these insects can be a significant problem for homes and businesses. This guide aims to provide you with all the information you need about cockroaches, including types found in the UK, their habits, and effective methods for cockroach control.

Types of Cockroaches in the UK

In the UK, two primary species of cockroaches are prevalent: the German cockroach and the Oriental cockroach. Understanding the differences between these species can help in effectively dealing with an infestation.

German Cockroach

The German cockroach is light brown with two dark parallel stripes running from the head to the base of the wings. They are small, about 1.1 to 1.6 cm in length, and are known for their rapid reproduction rate. German cockroaches prefer warm, humid environments and are commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms.

German Cockroach

Oriental Cockroach

Oriental cockroaches are larger, measuring between 2 to 3 cm, and have a shiny black or dark brown appearance. They prefer cooler, damp areas and are often found in basements, drains, and other moist environments.

Oriental Cockroach

Common Questions About Cockroaches

Can Cockroaches Fly?

While most cockroaches have wings, not all are adept at flying. The German cockroach, for instance, rarely flies and prefers to scuttle across surfaces. Some species, like the American cockroach, have stronger flying capabilities, but this is less common in the UK.

Do Cockroaches Bite?

Cockroach bites are rare, but they can occur in cases of severe infestation when food is scarce. Typically, cockroaches are more likely to scavenge for food scraps and are not aggressive towards humans.

Effective Cockroach Control Methods

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches

  1. Identify and Seal Entry Points: Cockroaches can enter through small cracks and crevices. Sealing these entry points can prevent them from gaining access to your home.
  2. Maintain Cleanliness: Regular cleaning, especially in the kitchen and bathroom, can reduce food sources for cockroaches.
  3. Professional Pest Control Services: For severe infestations, professional pest control services are recommended. They have the expertise and tools to effectively eliminate cockroaches and prevent future infestations.

Cockroach Prevention Tips

  • Keep Food Sealed: Store food in airtight containers and avoid leaving food out overnight.
  • Regular Rubbish Disposal: Dispose of rubbish regularly and ensure bins are sealed tightly.
  • Fix Leaks: Repair any leaking pipes or faucets to reduce moisture levels, making the environment less attractive to cockroaches.
  • Declutter: Reduce clutter in your home to eliminate hiding spots for cockroaches.

Cockroaches in the UK: What You Need to Know

Cockroaches in the UK can pose health risks as they can contaminate food and surfaces with bacteria, leading to food poisoning and other illnesses. Recognising the signs of an infestation early and taking prompt action can help in effectively managing these pests.

At Beaver Pest Control, we offer comprehensive pest control services tailored to address cockroach infestations. Our experienced team uses safe and effective methods to ensure your home or business remains cockroach-free.

For more information on how we can help, contact Beaver Pest Control today and take the first step towards a pest-free environment.

wasp nest in loft

Ultimate Guide to Dealing with Wasps in the UK

Wasps are a common sight in the UK, especially during the summer months. While these insects play a crucial role in the ecosystem, they can become a nuisance and even a danger when they build nests near homes and businesses. In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about wasps, including how to identify different types, what to do if you get stung, and effective methods for getting rid of wasps and their nests.

Understanding Wasps and Their Behaviour

Types of Wasps in the UK

The UK is home to several species of wasps, including the common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) and the German wasp (Vespula germanica). There are also less common species such as the wood wasp, which does not sting, and the black wasp. Identifying the type of wasp you are dealing with is crucial for effective pest control.

Common Wasp
Common Wasp
German Wasp
German Wasp

The Role of the Queen Wasp

The queen wasp is responsible for laying eggs and establishing new nests. During the winter, the queen hibernates, usually in a sheltered location such as a tree bark or attic. When spring arrives, the queen emerges from hibernation to start a new colony. She begins by building a small nest and laying eggs, which hatch into worker wasps that continue to expand the nest.

Do Wasps Return to Previous Nests?

Once a wasp nest has been abandoned or destroyed, wasps do not typically return to it. Each spring, the queen wasp seeks out a new location to build her nest. Old nests are not reused; instead, new nests are constructed from scratch each year. However, wasps may build new nests in close proximity to old ones if the area provides suitable shelter and resources.

Understanding the life cycle of the queen wasp and the habits of wasp colonies can help in preventing future infestations. Regular inspections and prompt removal of small nests can discourage queens from establishing larger colonies near your home or business. For effective wasp control and nest removal, professional pest control services can ensure that the problem is thoroughly addressed.

Lifecycle of a Wasp

Dealing with Wasp Nests

How to Identify a Wasp Nest

Wasp nests can vary in size and location. They are often found in sheltered areas like roof spaces, wall cavities, and trees. A small wasp nest can quickly grow, so it’s important to address the problem early.

How to Get Rid of a Wasp Nest

Removing a wasp nest can be dangerous and is best handled by professionals. Our technicians will use specialist personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure the safety of the technician during treatment. It is common for wasps to become aggressive during an insecticide treatment. The insecticide treatment will be carried out to ensure the wasp nest is fully treated whilst protecting any non-target species.

wasp nest in loft
Wasp nest in a loft

Wasp Stings: Prevention and Treatment

What Does a Wasp Sting Look Like?

A wasp sting typically results in a sharp pain, followed by swelling and redness. In some cases, it can cause an allergic reaction, leading to more severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing.

How to Treat a Wasp Sting

  1. Remove the Stinger: Unlike bees, wasps do not leave their stinger behind, so this step may not be necessary.
  2. Clean the Area: Wash the sting site with soap and water.
  3. Apply Ice: Reduce swelling by applying an ice pack to the area.
  4. Use a Pain Reliever: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate discomfort.
  5. Seek Medical Attention: If you experience severe reactions like hives, swelling of the face, or difficulty breathing, seek emergency medical help immediately.

Dealing with Wasps Near You

If you notice wasps frequently near your home, it could indicate a nearby nest. Regularly inspect your property and deal with any nests early.

For persistent or large infestations, it’s always best to consult with professional pest control services to ensure the safety and well-being of your household or business.

For expert help with wasp control in London and the South East of England, contact Beaver Pest Control. Our experienced team provides comprehensive pest control solutions to keep your environment safe and wasp-free.

Beaver Pest Control Wins Which? Trusted Trader of the Month for May 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Beaver Pest Control has been awarded the prestigious title of Which? Trusted Trader of the Month for May 2024! This award is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence in pest control services and our dedication to customer satisfaction. At Beaver Pest Control, we pride ourselves on delivering excellent pest control solutions across London and the South East of England. This recognition from Which? reflects the high standards we strive to maintain in every job we undertake.

Amazing Customer Reviews

Our success is built on the trust and satisfaction of our clients, and their pest control reviews speak volumes about the quality of our services. Here are some of the glowing testimonials from our customers:

“Beaver are Great”

“Beaver Pest Control have been looking after our building for the last three years and have been wonderful. We had our first incident of a rat in our building yesterday, and immediately Dessie and Jack sprung into action and were on site within the hour to help us.”

This review highlights our rapid response time and our commitment to providing immediate and effective pest control solutions. Dessie and Jack’s quick action ensured that the rat issue was addressed promptly, showcasing our team’s efficiency and reliability.

“Extremely Thorough Tidy Job”

“Asked Beaver Pest Control to get rid of a fox hole under my house. They did a really excellent job in very cramped conditions. Paul and Edouard went the extra mile and did a really thorough job leaving the place looking really tidy afterwards. Thoroughly recommend them. Five stars.”

Paul and Edouard’s meticulous work in removing the fox hole under difficult conditions exemplifies our dedication to thoroughness and professionalism. Their ability to leave the area tidy after such a challenging job is a testament to their attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction.

“Trustworthy and Professional Technician”

“The technician was professional — clearly an expert in pest control. Most important to me, he was trustworthy with a sensible, true evaluation of the situation. He identified all the possible entry points used by mice/rats. Thanks Beaver Pest Control. I will turn to you for any future pest problems.”

Trust is a cornerstone of our service, and this review underscores the importance we place on providing honest and expert evaluations. Our technicians’ ability to accurately identify potential entry points for pests ensures that we can implement effective, long-term solutions.

Commitment to Excellence

Winning the Which? Trusted Trader of the Month award is not just an accolade; it is a reflection of our continuous effort to be the best in the pest control industry. Whether it’s handling a rat infestation, managing wildlife issues, or conducting a CCTV drain survey, we approach each task with professionalism and dedication.

Our customers’ positive pest control reviews motivate us to keep improving and innovating. At Beaver Pest Control, we understand the stress and inconvenience that pest issues can cause, and we are here to provide prompt, effective, and lasting solutions.

Thank you to all our clients for your trust and support. We look forward to continuing to serve you with the same level of excellence that has earned us this esteemed recognition. For any pest control needs, remember that Beaver Pest Control is just a call away.

For expert pest control services in London and the South East, contact Beaver Pest Control today. Your satisfaction is our top priority!

wasp nest removal

Common types of wasps in the UK

With wasp season fast approaching, wasps will once again become a common sight across the UK, buzzing around gardens, parks, and sometimes even making their way into our homes and businesses. While they play a role in the ecosystem, their presence can be more than just a nuisance; it can pose risks to our health and property. 

Common UK Wasp Species

Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris)

Physical Characteristics:

Common wasps typically have black and yellow stripes on their abdomen, with distinctive markings that vary slightly between individuals.

Nesting Habits:

They often build their nests underground, in wall cavities, or in roof spaces. These nests can grow quite large, housing thousands of wasps.

Behaviour Patterns:

Common wasps are aggressive when their nest is disturbed, repeatedly stinging intruders. They are attracted to sugary foods, often scavenging around bins and outdoor dining areas.

German Wasp (Vespula germanica)

Physical Characteristics:

Similar in appearance to the common wasp, with black and yellow markings on their abdomen.

Nesting Habits:

German wasps also build their nests in similar locations to common wasps. Their nests tend to be smaller in size.

Behaviour Patterns:

German wasps can be more aggressive than common wasps. This worsens towards the end of summer when their natural food sources become scarcer.

European Hornet (Vespa crabro)

Physical Characteristics:

Larger than common wasps, with a distinctive brown and yellow striped abdomen.

Nesting Habits:

Hornets often build their nests in tree hollows, roof spaces, or wall voids. Their nests are constructed from paper-like material, similar to wasp nests.

Behaviour Patterns:

European hornets are generally less aggressive than some species of wasps but can deliver a painful sting if provoked. They are attracted to light and may be found around outdoor lights at night.

What to do if you discover a wasp nest?

If you discover a wasp nest in your attic or wall cavity or garden, it’s important to proceed with caution to avoid disturbing the colony and risking stings. Firstly, it’s advisable not to attempt to remove the nest yourself. This can agitate the wasps and increase the likelihood of stings. Instead, keep a safe distance from the nest and avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that could provoke the wasps. Next, it’s best to contact a professional pest control company, such as Beaver Pest Control, to assess the situation and safely remove the nest. Professional pest control technicians have the expertise and protective equipment. They can handle wasp nests safely and effectively, minimising the risk to you and your property. 

What are the risks associated with wasps’ nests?

Wasp nests pose several risks to both human health and property. Here are the most common risks associated with wasp nests:

  1. Stings and Allergic Reactions: Wasps are known for their aggressive behaviour when their nests are disturbed. They can sting multiple times, and their venom can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. For those with severe allergies, even a single wasp sting can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention.
  2. Health Hazards: Wasp nests can harbour bacteria and pathogens, especially if located in or near areas where food is prepared or consumed. Contamination from wasp activity can lead to foodborne illnesses and pose a health risk to occupants of homes and businesses.
  3. Structural Damage: Depending on their location and size, wasp nests can cause structural damage to buildings and property. Nests built in wall cavities, attics, or eaves can weaken structures over time, leading to costly repairs.
  4. Disruption of Daily Activities: A wasp infestation can disrupt normal activities in homes and businesses. Fear of being stung can make it difficult for people to enjoy outdoor spaces or perform tasks such as gardening or outdoor dining. In commercial settings, the presence of wasps can drive away customers and damage the reputation of the business.

Silverfish close up in home

Dealing with Silverfish in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

Silverfish, those tiny, silvery pests that scuttle across your floors and walls, are a common nuisance in many homes across the UK. While they don’t pose any direct threat to humans or pets, their presence can be unsettling, and they can cause damage to books and wallpaper. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to identify silverfish, DIY methods to deal with them, and ways to prevent their return.

Identifying Silverfish

Before you can effectively deal with silverfish, it’s essential to be able to identify them. These small, wingless insects are typically silver or grey, with a teardrop-shaped body and long antennae. They move quickly and are often found in damp, dark areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. If you spot tiny holes in paper or fabric, yellow stains, or tiny pepper-like faeces, you likely have a silverfish infestation.

DIY Ways to Deal with Silverfish

Professional pest control services can be effective if you are struggling with how to get rid of silverfish. There are several DIY methods you can try to eliminate silverfish from your home first:

  • Reduce Humidity: Silverfish thrive in humid environments, so reducing moisture levels in your home can help deter them. Consider using a dehumidifier in damp areas such as basements and bathrooms.
  • Fix Leaks: If you have a leak causing damp conditions, this needs to be fixed to get on top of an infestation.
  • Declutter: Silverfish are attracted to clutter, so keeping your home clean and organised can help reduce their hiding spots.
  • Use Diatomaceous Earth: Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance that can be sprinkled in areas where silverfish are active. It works by dehydrating the pests, ultimately eliminating them.

Preventing Silverfish Return

Once you’ve eliminated silverfish from your home, it’s essential to take steps to prevent them from returning:

  • Maintain a Clean Environment: Regularly vacuuming and dusting can help eliminate silverfish eggs and reduce their food sources.
  • Inspect Used Items: Before bringing used furniture, books, or clothing into your home, thoroughly inspect them for signs of silverfish.
  • Monitor Moisture Levels: Keep an eye on humidity levels in your home and address any issues promptly to prevent silverfish from returning.

By following these simple tips, you can effectively deal with silverfish infestations and prevent them from returning. 

Beaver Learning Lab 

We’re excited to introduce a valuable resource: the Beaver Learning Lab webinar series. Aaron Letchford, Senior Account Manager at Beaver Pest Control, shares his expertise in a webinar specifically dedicated to silverfish biology and identification. This insightful webinar provides more detailed information about identifying these pests and how you can deal with them.

Remember, while DIY methods can be effective for minor infestations, severe or recurring problems may require professional assistance. If you’re struggling to control a silverfish infestation, don’t hesitate to contact a pest control expert for help.

In conclusion, silverfish may be small, but they can be a big nuisance. With a proactive approach and the right strategies, you can keep these pests at bay and enjoy a silverfish-free home.

pest control technician applying treatment

What would the UK look like without pest controllers?

By Natasha Kulinski

I recently attended Pest Ex, an annual pest control exhibition held at Excel, London. For me, this is an important event for staying updated on best practices and ensuring that we, at Beaver Pest Control, are making the most of the latest products and services available in our industry.

Among the various highlights of the exhibition, one of my personal favourites is the big debate. This theatre brings together experts from the field to discuss important and sometimes controversial topics facing the industry. This year, one of the sections was based around Behavioural Resistance. Shedding light on the importance of ensuring that our practices are effective in preventing the spread of resistance among pests. It’s a good reminder that pest control isn’t just a service; it’s a critical profession. This fact was underscored by our status as key workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The government understand why professional pest control is an essential industry.

This got me thinking: What would the UK truly be like without professional pest controllers? Would it be Armageddon? I’m no George Orwell, but I thought I would try to paint a picture of a world without pest professionals.

As the behavioural resistance talk was focussed heavily on the common house mouse, let’s consider the consequences for this species. This creature might seem inconsequential on its own, but its potential for rapid reproduction is staggering. 

Consider this: a single female house mouse can produce up to 5 to 10 litters per year. Each litter typically consists of 5 to 6 pups, although they can have as many as 12. The gestation period for house mice is short, lasting only about 19 to 21 days. This means that a female mouse can give birth to a new litter every three weeks.

Now, let’s do the math. Suppose we start with just one pregnant female mouse. After giving birth to her first litter, she can become pregnant again within days. With an average litter size of 6 pups, and considering the short gestation period, it’s possible for her to produce another litter before the previous one is even weaned. In the span of a year, a single female mouse, along with her offspring and their subsequent generations, can create a colony of thousands. 

Pest controllers are up against these numbers on a daily basis. It’s not just about dealing with a few stray rodents here and there; it’s about combating an ever-expanding army of pests that threaten to overrun homes, businesses, and public spaces if left unchecked.

Now, imagine the consequences of leaving these growing populations with no control. As mouse populations rise, so do the risks they bring with them. Rodents gnawing through electrical wiring could trigger devastating fires, especially in urban areas where buildings are closely packed together. Additionally, their tendency to chew through water pipes can lead to flooding, causing extensive damage to property and infrastructure.

Beyond the physical destruction they can wreak, mice and other pests also pose significant health hazards. They are carriers of various pathogens, capable of spreading diseases such as salmonellosis, leptospirosis, and hantavirus. Without effective pest control measures in place, the risk of disease transmission would skyrocket, endangering public health on a massive scale.

Without professional pest controllers, the burden of pest control would fall to the general public. However, DIY pest control often worsens the problem, inadvertently adding to the spread of resistance in mice through ineffective and untrained controls. If complete control is not achieved within any given rodent population, behavioural resistance and even genetic resistance will increase. This has been seen time and time again over the last 40 years with many rodenticides being removed from the market due to their ineffectiveness. 

I think we can all agree, a world without pest controllers is a scary one indeed. It is clear that they are not just safeguarding properties; they are also protecting public health and safety, ensuring that our communities remain liveable.

Qualis EFK

Lighting the Way: Top 5 Electronic Fly Killers

In the ever-evolving landscape of pest control, staying ahead of the game is crucial. One aspect that has seen significant advancements in recent years is the use of Electronic Fly Killer (EFK) units.

This blog will explain how these devices work. It will discuss the switch from fluorescent bulbs to UV LEDs. It will also highlight legal updates. Additionally, it will present our top 5 EFK units.

Understanding EFK Units:

Electronic Fly Killers, or EFKs, have been crucial in for pest controllers for many years. These devices attract flying insects using UV light.

Electric fly killers protect places where food is prepared and high-risk fly areas. The UV light emitted by the EFK attracts the pests into the unit, where they come into contact with either an electrified grid or a sticky board, effectively eliminating them.

The Shift to LED Lighting:

Recently, many industries have switched from old fluorescent bulbs to Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. Technological advancements and legal changes drive this transition, aiming to enhance energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. In the next two years, the old-style fluorescent EFK tubes will no longer be for sale. Many older EFK units will need replacement or retrofitting to accommodate newer LED bulbs.

Legal Changes and Environmental Benefits:

Authorities are implementing regulations to phase out traditional fluorescent bulbs in favour of more energy-efficient options, including LEDs. LED lighting not only consumes less energy but also has a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

The environmental benefits of LEDs extend beyond energy efficiency. LEDs are safer for humans and the environment than fluorescent lights because they do not contain harmful elements such as mercury. As a responsible pest control company, Beaver Pest Control aligns with these environmental initiatives, promoting sustainable practices within the industry.

Top 5 Electronic Fly Killer Units with UV LED Bulbs

  1. Chameleon® Qualis
  2. Chameleon® Sirius X
  3. Chameleon® 1×2 Discretion
  4. Titan 300

Chameleon® Qualis

The Chameleon® Qualis establishes a new benchmark for energy-efficient and sustainable fly control with its sleek, contemporary design. This equipment, designed primarily for the food and packaging industries as well as industrial kitchens, is both attractive and technologically advanced.

Key Features:

  • Quantum X LED Filament Tubes: Fitted with next-generation Quantum X LED filament tubes, boasting FEP shatter-resistant coating as standard. Ideal for glass exclusion zones.
  • Extended Light Distribution: Quantum X technology ensures an extended pattern of light distribution, enhancing the unit’s efficiency.
  • Dual Chassis Options: Available with white-coated steel or 304 food-grade stainless steel chassis, providing flexibility for various environments.
  • Annual energy savings of up to £66 per year compared to current EFK models.
Chameleon® Qualis electric fly killer
power comparison qualis efk

Chameleon® Sirius X

The Chameleon® Sirius X is the top-tier fly control unit designed for sophisticated front-of-house use. With its sleek design, this unit easily fits into restaurants, cafes, or hotels, combining style with top-tier functionality.

Key Features:

  • Quantum X Shatterproof Tubes: Fitted with two Quantum X shatterproof tubes for enhanced durability and efficiency.
  • LED Range Glue Board: Designed with a dedicated LED range glue board, contributing to energy savings and sustainability.
  • Dual Wall Mounting Options: The Sirius X offers flexible wall mounting, either horizontally or vertically, adapting to various spaces.
Chameleon® Sirius X Electronic Fly Killer

Chameleon® 1×2 Discretion

Discover discreet and efficient fly control with the Chameleon® 1×2 Discretion. This slim, wall-mounted unit offers a free-standing bracket option, providing flexibility in placement. The appealing front cover hides the sticky board and catch, making it a great choice for public areas where looks are important.

Key Features:

  • Discreet Design: Slim and wall-mounted, with a free-standing bracket option for versatile placement.
  • Attractive Front Cover: Conceals the sticky board and catch, making it perfect for areas in view of the public.
  • Enhanced Features: Offers similar features as the standard 1×2 model, with added discretion.
Chameleon® 1×2 Discretion Fly Killer

Titan 300

The Titan 300 is a sturdy all-metal unit that delivers outstanding fly control performance. Its wrap-around chrome guard ensures 360° protection. This device, built to tackle high fly infestations, is strong and adaptable, making it suited for bigger areas and a variety of commercial applications.

Key Features:

  • 360° Protection: A wrap-around chrome guard ensures comprehensive fly control performance.
  • High-Performance Transformer: Equipped with a high-performance transformer for enhanced efficiency.
  • Multiple Mounting Options: Versatile installation with options for wall mounting, ceiling suspension, or freestanding placement.
  • Tool-Free Servicing: Easy and fast servicing without the need for additional tools.
  • Adaptable Design: Can be modified to operate as a cluster fly unit by removing the tray.
Titan 300 Fly Zapper


The ON-TOP PRO X is an innovative, discreet, and stylish fly trap designed for ceiling installation in both new and existing suspended ceilings. These LED models solve the challenges of space limitations, making them the perfect solution for supermarkets, convenience stores, fast-food outlets, and areas where conventional installations are impractical.

Key Features:

  • Unique Overhead Design: Fits discreetly and easily into new or existing suspended ceilings.
  • Patented Concept: Ideal for spaces with limited room, providing a practical solution for challenging installations.
  • Quantum X Shatterproof Tubes: Both models are equipped with two Quantum X shatterproof tubes for efficient fly control.
  • Large Polished Aluminium Reflector: Enhances the efficiency and economy of controlling flying insect infestations in public spaces.
ON-TOP PRO X ceiling mounted fly killer

Beaver Pest Control leads the way with innovative EFK solutions that meet regulatory standards and promote a sustainable and efficient approach to pest management. Illuminate your space while safeguarding it from unwanted pests with our top-of-the-line EFK units.

Talk to our experts about the right Electronic Fly Killer for your business. Get rid of flies with these eco friendly led fly killers.

Call us today on 020 8355 3443.

rat control London

Top 10 Household Pests

Our homes are considered our safe spaces, but unfortunately, sometimes our peace and safety are at risk from pests. Whether it’s rats, mice, bed bugs or other pests; dealing with household pests can be a challenge. Here’s a list of the top 10 household pests that might be unwelcome guests in your living space:

  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Birds
  • Bed Bugs
  • Squirrels
  • Wasps
  • Cockroaches
  • Fleas
  • Moths
  • Flies


Mice are common household pests known for their ability to squeeze through tiny gaps, our rule of thumb is that if you can fit a pencil through it a mouse can get through! They can contaminate food, spread diseases, and cause damage by gnawing on various materials. 


Bed bugs are notorious for causing sleepless nights with their bites. These tiny, reddish-brown insects hide in cracks and crevices around beds. Bed bugs are common across the world and increases in travel have allowed bed bugs to spread wide and far.


Cockroaches thrive in warm, moist areas and are attracted to food preparation areas. They are often found in kitchens or boiler cupboards. There are two common types of cockroaches in the UK; German Cockroaches and Oriental Cockroaches.


Rats are larger than mice and pose similar threats to health and property. 90% of rat infestations are linked to drain defects hence the more common name of “sewer rats”. Rats are neophobic (scared of new objects in the environment) making treatment tricky especially if the underlying entry points aren’t found and sealed.


Squirrels can enter homes looking for shelter, especially during colder months. They are known to use overhanging branches to gain access to your roof and make themselves at home in attic spaces. When cornered, squirrels can be aggressive and very destructive.


Fleas often enter your homes from your pets. Cat fleas are the most common flea in the UK but other animals are prone to fleas. Once in our homes, fleas will rapidly multiply by feeding on your pets and you. Fleas will lay larvae in your carpets, bedding and soft furnishings making eradication tricky.


Flies are not only annoying but also carry food-poisoning bacteria. There are a number of common fly species in the UK; whether you are dealing with bluebottles, fruit flies or drain flies, it’s important not to ignore the risks associated with them.


While birds might seem harmless, they can become pests when nesting in under your solar panels or window ledges. Birds can cause health risks when guano (droppings) build-up. Guano can damage your building materials, harbour harmful bacteria and pathogens, and create slip hazards.


Wasps can be aggressive and can cause life-threatening stings to those allergic. Wasps will create nests in your garden, wall cavities, attic spaces and even underground. Wasp nests are most active between the summer months; June and August.


Common clothes moths can be tricky to deal with. The moth caterpillars, known as “woolly bears” due to their hairy exterior are what cause the damage to clothes. They will feed on textiles and fabric to grow and are often left unnoticed until damage has been done. 

As a homeowner, being proactive in identifying, preventing, and controlling household pests is essential. We would always recommend you seek professional pest control services to deal with rodents and insects effectively. Call us on 020 8355 3443 to get advice or book a professional visit today.

Gull on building bird control

Nesting Season Preparedness: Why Early Bird Proofing Matters for Your Business

Gull nesting season is fast approaching which makes now the perfect time to prepare your building. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 protects wild birds, their nests and eggs which means dealing with birds during nesting season is very challenging. When it comes to birds, prevention is considered the best option.


Once a breeding site is chosen, Gulls will return to it each year. This means if you had a gull problem last year, you are likely to have a reoccurrence this spring. Gulls will lay eggs in April and May. Once the eggs are laid they will take approximately 30 days to hatch and a further 10 days before the chicks can take their first flight. 

 Why are nesting birds a problem?

There are a number of potential problems that can arise with nesting birds:

  1. Property Damage

The Gulls will make nests with a wide variety of debris which can lead to blockages in drain pipes and damage to roofs. Bird guano (bird droppings) can also degrade the building over time. These can lead to costly repairs, especially where access is difficult. 

  1. Health Hazards

Bird guano is known to harbour a variety of bacteria, fungi and parasites that are harmful to humans. During nesting season guano will accumulate around the nest. I can also lead to slip hazards for people entering your building. 

  1. Operational Disruptions

During nesting season Gulls are particularly aggressive to anyone working in the vicinity of the nest. This can disrupt your staff in carrying out their duties. They can also generate a lot of noise causing distraction and disruption to your day.

Benefits of Early Bird Proofing

Considering the risks and hazards posed by these birds, carrying out early birdproofing is the right strategic decision to save your company in the long term.

Long-Term Cost Savings

Early bird proofing should be considered as a preventative measure for any business. The cost of repairs following damage from just one nesting season can soon outweigh the cost of proofing. 

Improved Business Continuity

Uninterrupted business operations is paramount to the success of every business. Consider the repercussions of having to stop work due to a gull attack, and if this is during nesting season when the nests are protected, you run the risk of this happening multiple times before you can carry out the appropriate proofing.

Protect your Reputation

Your building is a representation of your business, if your customers are arriving and there is guano on the floor and side of the building, your reputation can quickly be damaged. The noise and aggressive tendencies during nesting season can also be very off-putting for customers. 

Customised Bird Proofing Solutions

We recognise that every business is unique requiring a customised solution for each customer. Our commitment to innovative solutions ensures we are able to carry out proofing in even the most complicated buildings.

Our Solutions 

Bird Control Services UK

The urgency of early bird proofing is not to be underestimated. If you require bird proofing carried out before nesting season you need to consider having surveys carried out from November – February at the latest. This will ensure a customised solution can be planned and works can be fully carried out before the start of nesting season.

If you are interested in finding out more about any of these bird control solutions contact us on 020 8355 3443.

Void Clearance Before 2

The crucial role of Pest Control companies in void clearance jobs

Why should pest control companies get involved in a void clearance?

Void spaces that have an excess of waste and hoarding materials are prone to the most extensive pest infestations. These infestations increase the contamination risks for waste clearance staff. It is very difficult to clear a pest infestation from a void clearance, so it is normally safer and more cost effective for the pest control company to clear the infestation and the waste simultaneously. 

Expertise in Pest Identification

Pest Control surveyors bring a wealth of specialised knowledge and experience. They will be able to identify a diverse range of pests that could potentially have taken up residence in the void space. Correct identification of pests is crucial in void clearance jobs. Many pests thrive in hidden, unoccupied spaces. Surveyors will be able to look for the subtle signs of pest presence in order to put plans in place to protect the workers carrying out the service from potentially hazardous materials. 

Several pests, such as rodents, insects and birds, are known to carry diseases that pose a risk to human health. Void spaces are a breeding ground for these communicable diseases such as Hantaviruses, Salmonella and Ornithosis.

Specialised Equipment and Techniques

Pest control technicians have a variety of specialist products and equipment to ensure the void spaces are left safe for future occupants. ULV (ultra-low volume) machines can be used to decontaminate the areas and ensure any disinfected fully. The technicians will use a  commercial biocide, approved only for professional use through an ultra-low volume machine to eliminate viruses and bacteria on all surfaces. The microscopic droplets created using the ULV machine will penetrate surfaces, cracks and crevices.

Any pest infestations that are active can be treated alongside the void clearance service to optimise the effectiveness of the treatment. It is common for pest controllers to treat multiple pests within a void space such as rodents and cockroaches or bed bugs.

Proactive Prevention Measures

Following the clearance, pest controllers are best placed to provide proofing to ensure rodents are unable to return. With void clearances, we tend to find the infestations have been ongoing for a long time and rodents in the area will be familiar with the access points to the premises. Carrying out proofing following a void clearance job is the best way to prevent further infestations.

Time and Cost efficiency

Undoubtedly, pest control will need to be a part of your plan to deal with void clearances. If you instruct an alternative company to carry out the clearance, you will first need a pest control team to deal with any active pest infestations, and clear any droppings, urine and dead pests found on the site before the cleaning takes place. At Beaver Pest Control, we have experienced scenarios where the void clearance team have had to stop carrying out the service part way through the job to allow pest control back in to carry out treatment and clearances of hazardous pest waste that wasn’t initially accessible before carrying on. This has delayed jobs and cost more in the long run to carry out the extra call-outs. 

This is why we, at Beaver Pest Control, have decided to invest in our specialist team to carry out void clearances. We use our knowledge and expertise in pest control to ensure void clearances can be carried out safely and efficiently.

Void Clearance Before
Void Clearance Before
Void Clearance After
Void Clearance After

If you would like to find out more about our void clearance services, contact us on 020 8355 3443.

squirrel control London

Our top squirrel deterrent tips for protecting your attic this winter!

Squirrels aren’t usually the first animal that springs to mind when we talk about pest control. But, as with all of the pests we deal with, once they are in your home, they certainly are pests!

If you have ever had a squirrel in your attic or are worried it could happen to you then these top squirrel deterrent tips will help you keep your home squirrel free.

Squirrels can be an issue all year round. However, the winter months, from September to March while the temperature is at its lowest, are the most common times for squirrels to find their way inside.

Why do squirrels go into attics?

Attics provide a warm and secure place for squirrels to make nests and shelter from the harsh weather outside. A squirrel nest, called a drey, is usually made in a tree from twigs, branches and leaves. However, given the opportunity, squirrels will come into an attic and use twigs and branches they may bring in. They will also use any insulation or shredded papers and boxes they may find in your attic to make a nest.

Our top 5 tips on how to prevent squirrels

Your Garden: Squirrel Deterrent

Whilst you can’t prevent squirrels from entering your garden, there are ways to make your garden less welcoming. This in turn will reduce the likelihood of them entering your home.

Tip no. 1: Trim and tree branches that overhang your roof or near your roof. These are used as pathways for squirrels to access the roof. Squirrels can jump from anywhere between 8ft – 12ft so consider this when cutting back your foliage. The same goes for dense ivy on your building, this can be used as a ladder for squirrels giving easy access to the roof.

Tip no. 2: squirrel deterrents; use squirrel guards or baffles on your bird feeders to make your garden less inviting. If squirrels know they are unable to get food easily in your garden they will move on to easier pickings.

Squirrel leaps from rooftops to tree branches

Your Home: Squirrel Deterrent

If the squirrels have managed to get past the garden defences, then the next step it to ensure your home is secure. 

Tip no. 3: Proofing! Seal all entry points to your attic using metal plates or mesh. Squirrels are strong and can gnaw through softer materials so expanding foam won’t cut it.

Food Storage

Squirrels are attracted to live in close proximity to humans due to the abundance of food. We leave food in our gardens for the birds. We leave our rubbish bins full of food outside. Their basic need for food keeps squirrels coming back time and time again. 

Tip no. 4: Keep any bird feed or nuts in secure, airtight containers to prevent squirrels from getting access to them.

Tip no. 5: Keep your bins sealed with lids on to prevent squirrels from finding food sources.

Hopefully, these top tips will help you prevent squirrels from getting in your attic. If however, you find yourself coming across this article too late and you already suspect you have a squirrel in your attic, our team of local, professional pest controllers are here to help.

Call our team on 020 8355 3443 to find out treatment options for squirrel removal or request a free call back.

Bedbug detection under mattress

Bed Bug FAQ: Answering your burning bed bug questions.

Bed bugs are tiny pests that can cause big problems. These sneaky creatures love to hide in cracks, crevices, and bedding, making it hard to spot them. As a pest control company working with both businesses and residents in the UK, we come across bed bugs frequently. This blog is to share the answers to some of key questions people are asking about bed bugs. We’ll explore the appearance of bedbug bites, the characteristics of these bugs, and delve into the life cycle of bedbugs, including their eggs to help you understand if you are dealing with bed bugs or another type of pest.

What do Bed Bug Bites Look Like?

Bed bug bites can vary from person to person, but they generally share some common characteristics. These bites often appear as small, red lumps with a darker middle. The bites may be grouped in a line or a cluster on your neck, shoulders, back, legs or arms. Itching is a common symptom, and some individuals may experience an allergic reaction that leads to more severe reactions.
close up pictures of bed bug bites

What Does a Bed Bug Look Like?

Early detection of a bed bug infestation is crucial for effective pest control. Adult bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects with a reddish-brown colour. They are about the size of an apple seed, 4-6mm in length. They are flat, allowing them to hide in cracks and crevices easily. Bed bugs have six legs, antennae, and a specially adapted mouthpiece that they use to pierce the skin and feed on blood. The nymphs (young bed bugs) are smaller and lighter in colour but share the same general body shape.

How Long Do Bed Bug Eggs Take to Hatch?

The life cycle of a bed bug includes several stages, with egg hatching being a critical part. Bed bug eggs typically take about 6 to 10 days to hatch, depending on environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity. Warm and humid conditions are favourable for faster development, while cooler environments may extend the hatching time
.life cycle of a bed bug

What Do Bed Bug Eggs Look Like?

Bed bug eggs are tiny, measuring about 1mm in length, and are often translucent or pearly white. They are usually found in clusters and are attached to surfaces like furniture or fittings with a sticky substance. The eggs are resistant to many common insecticides, making thorough inspection and treatment essential for effective control.
Bed bugs, bed bug eggs, bed bug feces

How Long Can a Bed Bug Live Without Feeding?

Bed bugs are resilient when it comes to survival without a blood meal. In ideal conditions, adult bed bugs can live for several months without feeding. However, they are opportunistic feeders, and when a suitable host is present, they will actively seek a blood meal. Nymphs, on the other hand, may only survive a few weeks without feeding.

Do bedbugs transmit diseases through their bites?

Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that bed bugs transmit diseases through their bites. However, their bites can lead to itching, discomfort, and in some cases, allergic reactions.

How can I prevent a bedbug infestation?

Regularly inspect your living and sleeping areas for signs of bedbugs, such as small reddish-brown insects, tiny eggs, or dark fecal spots. Keep your living space clutter-free and consider using protective mattress covers. If you are running a business that is affected by bed bugs on a regular basis such as hotels, you should consider pro-active bed bug monitoring such as Spotta.

Proactive Bed Bug Monitoring for Hotels

spotta bed bug detector

Spotta™ Remote Bed Bug Monitoring

Spotta™ is an innovative technology which uses remote monitored Bed Pods which attract insects and identifies bedbugs at an early stage. The
Bed Pods automatically notify your local pest control technician.
Spotta™ is a highly effective solution that requires zero commitment from
hotel staff and zero visibilty to guests. The Bed Pod has no wires, no sound
and no smells. It is also placed hidden from view to protect your reputation.
This 24/7 automatic detection solution is an innovative approach to bed
bug monitoring.

Dog screen for bedbugs

Dog Screens

Dog screens use highly trained dogs to detect bed bugs throughout your hotel. They are a quick and efficient way of screening rooms. The dogs will provide an accurate assessment of which rooms have an active infestation and are in need of treatment at the time of the screening. They can be used as an early detection service if used on a regular basis. It only takes a trained dog 1-2 minutes to search an entire hotel room. They are a great opportunity to provide due diligence and protect your business from false claims.

TruDetX Bed Bug Rapid Test

The TruDetx Bed Bug Rapid Test is a fast-acting, reliable test kit designed to accurately detect bed bug infestations, whether at high or low levels. According to scientific tests, Trudetx rapid bed bug tests were performed with 90% precision. This was achieved with extremely low bed bug activity and in hard-to-reach areas. They can now detect even low-level bed bug infestations quickly with a science-based test. This means that our customers can feel confident in moving forward with treatment to solve the problem quickly.

If you are concerned you may have bed bugs contact one of our team today on 020 8355 3443 and we can help you assess your pest problems.

Revolutionising Drain Services: A Journey of Innovation and Excellence by Beaver Pest Control

In a remarkable turn of events, Beaver Pest Control emerged victorious at the inaugural NADC National Drain Awards evening. Shortlisted for Innovation and Specialist Service, the company’s Director, David Lodge, shares the journey and success that led to this prestigious recognition.

A Comprehensive Approach to Drain Services

Beaver Pest Control, traditionally known for pest control, has recently expanded its services to become a one-stop solution for all drain-related concerns. We estimate that 80-90% of call-outs involve rats originating from drains. Stepping across into the drainage industry was a natural path.

We use high-power jet washing to clean drains, followed by a thorough CCTV check. The result is a detailed viewline report, transparently outlining ingress points and defects in the drainage system.

Our commitment to solving drain issues extends beyond eradicating rats. Through methods like capping, local repair works, patching, or lining, we aim to eliminate not only pests but also associated problems such as drain fly issues and unpleasant odours. While one-way valves are sparingly used, we offer maintenance contracts for their use.

Leading the Industry with Innovation

In addition to its recent award, Beaver Pest Control has actively contributed to industry standards. We collaborated with the BPCA, Davy Brown, and the NADC to create the BPCA Code of Best Practice for Drain Surveys. This comprehensive reference document showcases Beaver’s dedication to excellence in the industry.

The journey to offering this complete drain service was not without challenges. The company invested significantly in training and state-of-the-art equipment. Without doubt, the initial expense has helped our Drain Team to propel the division’s growth.

Shaping the Future of Drain and Pest Industries

Looking ahead, Beaver Pest Control has set ambitious goals. The company aims to secure the coveted NADC Drain Safe accreditation while fostering a closer relationship between the drain and pest control industries. Following this success, we envision further collaboration to enhance both sectors.

Influence on the Drain and Pest Industry

Reflecting on their impact, we have identified key contributions to the industry:

  1. Comprehensive Solutions: The company has pioneered an umbrella solution to a prevalent customer frustration—rat infestations.
  2. Resourceful Specialisation: Beaver demonstrates that specialisation and innovation don’t always require extensive resources. Through education, dedication, hard work, and a strong vision, the company has proven that smaller entities can lead in their fields.
  3. Industry Leadership: Beaver’s specialisation has extended beyond its company and customers, influencing the wider sector. Contributions include the development of codes of best practice for CCTV drain surveys, solidifying their commitment to industry excellence.

In conclusion, Beaver Pest Control’s journey from a newcomer to an award-winning force in the drain and pest control industry showcases the power of innovation, dedication, and a commitment to excellence. As the company looks to the future, its influence on industry practices is set to endure and evolve.

Are you using your guests as bed bug detectors?

If you work in the hospitality industry, you will be well aware that bed bugs are not new to the UK (despite the increased media coverage in recent months). Bed bugs have been an increasing challenge for hotels across the UK for decades. However, with the spotlight so firmly on bed bugs currently, there has been an increased drive for innovation to come up with new solutions to this challenge. The reality is, that as long as we have a thriving hospitality industry, we will be faced with bed bugs. These insects are spread through travel. They hitchhike across the world on luggage and clothing and whether you are a 5* hotel or a local B&B, you will likely face these insects in the coming months. 

Are your current solutions effective enough for your hotel?  We will introduce you to the latest innovations on the market with regard to bed bug control.

How do you currently find out about bed bug infestations?

Generally, there are one of three ways you are finding out about bed bug infestations in your hotel.

  1. The first way, and the least preferred way, is from your guests. If you have had a guest complain about bed bugs, you have already started losing money. 
  2. The second way is your housekeeping teams. Your housekeeping teams are in the rooms regularly, you may offer training on identification and rely heavily on them finding signs of infestation before your guests do. The issue with this is that your housekeepers are not pest control experts. By the time they spot the infestation, the likelihood is there are blood stains on the sheets or mattress (which means guests have already been bitten). The other issue is that your housekeeping team are on a tight schedule to turn rooms. They won’t be carrying out a thorough bed bug survey.
  3. The third option is that you are taking a more pro-active approach to bed bug surveys. There are several solutions you may have tried for this: dog screens, visual inspections from an expert or the more innovative digital solution on the market; Spotta™. 

How much does a bed bug infestation cost your business?

Would you be surprised to hear that research has shown bed bug infestations can cost up to £55k per year based on a 200-room property with 10 bed bug incidents per year? The cost of treatment is just a small proportion of the total cost to a hotel. Research has shown there are far greater costs from loss of reputation, and customer loyalty than the immediate operational costs of having rooms out of action and having to pay compensation.

Recent studies showed that 75% of customers who find bed bugs will never return to that brand of hotel!

How important to you is your reputation?

We live in a world where a single customer with a negative experience can reach hundreds of thousands of people. Your brand, your reputation, and your customer’s experiences are continuously being scrutinised on social media as well as review sites. Maintaining a positive image has never been so closely intertwined with the success of your business.

A 1* bed bug review costs hotels an average of £10/night on every single booking made. 

What is the solution?

In short: pro-active bed bug monitoring. There are a number of solutions that fall under the heading of pro-active monitoring for bed bugs. Some may argue that having housekeeping check the beds is pro-active enough. The reality is that housekeepers are changing the sheets well after the bed bugs have gone back to their cracks and crevices for the day. Unless the infestation is severe this is ineffective. So what solutions are available at night when bed bugs are feeding? In a day and age where digital data-driven solutions are impacting every industry, it makes sense to consider the impact technology could have on your pest control. 

Introducing: Spotta™

Spotta™ is a technology solution that continuously monitors and identifies bed bugs in real-time. It provides alerts that allow timely intervention and treatment, limiting the damage to reputation. The system involves installing a Bed Pod in each bed under each mattress that contains a pheromone lure to attract bed bugs. Once inside the Bed Pod, a photo will be taken of the insect. A combination of AI technology and a team of expert entomologists will confirm the species and alert your local technicians. They will treat the room and because the infestation has been identified quickly. The treatment is likely to be more successful and the rooms can be returned to service more quickly. 

In 94% of cases, Spotta™ identified the bedbugs before a guest was bitten. 

Our webinar below explains the Spotta™ solution in more detail.

bedbug control London

A Guide to Dealing with Bed Bugs

Bed bugscontinue to be a concern for both homeowners and businesses. Beaver Pest Control understands the importance of effective pest management, so in this blog, we’ll look at the impact bed bugs have on our daily lives, the challenges they pose, and how to effectively deal with them.

Identifying Bed Bugs

It is critical to confirm that you are dealing with bed bugs before taking action. These small reddish-brown insects are about the size of an apple seed. They hide in the cracks, crevices, and seams of mattresses, furniture, and walls during the day, emerging at night to feed on human blood. Beaver Pest Control recommends thorough inspections to confirm their presence. Understanding the extent of the infestation is crucial to effective treatment.

bedbug control London

Detecting Bed Bugs

One of the first steps in bed bug control is identifying their presence. Look for the following signs:

  • Bites: Bed bug bites often appear as itchy, red welts on the skin, typically arranged in a linear pattern.
  • Exoskeletons: Bed bugs shed their exoskeletons as they grow. Finding these translucent shells is a sign of infestation.
  • Blood Stains: Small rust-coloured or reddish-brown stains on bedding or furniture may result from crushed bed bugs.
  • Live bedbugs: They are visible to the human eye. Check the mattress seams and around any mattress buttons. 

Treatment Options

Once you’ve confirmed a bed bug infestation, it’s time to consider your options: 

  • DIY Approaches: Some people attempt to deal with bed bugs themselves using DIY methods, such as vacuuming, washing bedding in hot water (60c), and using bed bug sprays. While these may offer temporary relief, they often fall short of complete eradication, especially if the focus remains just on the bed. Bed bugs are known to spread around the room and even to adjacent rooms, so thorough inspections are vital.
  • Professional Pest Control: Beaver Pest Control recommends consulting professionals. Professional pest controllers use effective, safe, and environmentally responsible methods to eliminate bed bugs. This option provides peace of mind, knowing that the infestation will be dealt with comprehensively.Our teams are experienced in dealing with bed bugs and can ensure the infestation is fully treated. Options include insecticidal treatments, heat treatments, steam treatments and dust treatments. 

Trade-offs and Challenges

Every approach to bed bug control comes with its trade-offs. DIY methods can be time-consuming and may not fully eliminate the infestation. Professional services, on the other hand, may involve some expense but offer a higher likelihood of success. It’s essential to weigh these factors carefully. Our experience is that if DIY approaches do not fully eliminate the problem, bed bugs have time to breed and the infestation increases resulting in a higher cost when the pest professionals are eventually called in. Dealing with an infestation early can save you money and hassle.

The Impact on Well-being

Considering the impact on your well-being is crucial when dealing with bed bugs. Sleepless nights, anxiety, and the risk of allergic reactions to bites are factors to consider. In this regard, the quicker and more effective the solution, the better for your peace of mind.


Bed bugs are a persistent problem that requires careful consideration and a strategic approach. Beaver Pest Control encourages individuals and businesses to take bed bug infestations seriously and explore their treatment options thoroughly. While DIY methods can be explored, professional pest control services often provide the most reliable and efficient solution, ensuring your safety, well-being, and peace of mind.

Remember, addressing bed bugs promptly can prevent their spread and minimise their impact on your daily life. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Beaver Pest Control for expert assistance in tackling bed bug infestations effectively.


A Year of Pests: Seasonal Pest Patterns in the UK

Pests are a persistent challenge throughout the year, but their activity levels often experience distinct spikes in different seasons. Certain pests become more prevalent during specific times, requiring tailored strategies for effective management. In this guide, we’ll delve into the seasonal patterns of pests in the UK, offering valuable insights on how to identify, prevent, and address these issues.

Spring: New Pests

As spring emerges, so do insects. Carpet beetles and moths come to the forefront, causing concerns for homeowners.

Carpet Beetles

These tiny invaders have a knack for infesting carpets, upholstery, and stored fabrics. Their activity peaks in spring, with their larvae feasting on natural fibres. To tackle carpet beetle infestations:

  • Regularly vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture.
  • Store clothing and fabrics in airtight containers to limit access.
carpet beetle control London


Spring is also a prime time for moths, especially clothes moths and SPI moths. These pests can damage clothing and food supplies. Effective moth management involves:

  • Storing clothing in moth-proof bags or containers.
  • Ensuring food items are sealed tightly in airtight containers.
  • Check lofts for bird nests. Insects often originate from nests.
Moth Control London

Summer: Prolific Pest Activity

Summer brings an upsurge in pest activity, both indoors and outdoors. Flies, wasps, ants, mosquitoes, and bedbugs become particularly active during this season, creating a range of nuisances.


With higher temperatures and humidity, mosquitoes thrive during summer, making outdoor activities uncomfortable. To mitigate the mosquito problem:

  • Eliminate any standing water sources around your property.
  • Wear protective clothing and use insect repellent when outdoors.
Common Mosquito isolated on white.


While a year-round concern, bedbug activity intensifies in summer due to increased travel. Manage bedbug infestations by:

  • Regularly checking and cleaning upholstered furniture and bedding.
  • Exercising caution when selecting lodging during travel.
bedbug control London


Warmer temperatures prompt ants to seek food sources indoors. Prevent ant invasions by:

  • Sealing crevices and openings that ants could exploit.
  • Properly storing food in airtight containers.
ant control London


Throughout summer, wasps construct nests in various outdoor spaces. These nests can pose risks, especially in areas with human activity. Control wasps by:

  • Regularly inspecting your property for nests and dealing with them.
  • Exercising caution in wasp-prone areas.
Wasp Control London


Flies thrive in the warmth of summer, proving to be a nuisance both indoors and outdoors. Keep them at bay by:

  • Using fly screens on windows and entrances.
  • Maintaining tidy outdoor spaces and minimising exposed food.
Fly Control London

Autumn: New Pest Challenges

Autumn introduces a fresh wave of pest activity, with fleas, spiders, and rodents taking the spotlight.


Cool and damp autumn weather creates ideal conditions for fleas to flourish. Combat fleas by:

  • Treating pets for fleas regularly and employing prevention measures.
  • Regularly cleaning pet bedding and living areas.
flea control London


As autumn approaches, spiders seek warmth indoors. While most spiders are harmless, their presence can be unsettling. Manage spiders by:

  • Sealing gaps in windows and doors to limit entry.
  • Keeping indoor spaces clutter-free to reduce hiding spots.


With dropping temperatures, rodents like rats and mice become more active, seeking warmth and food. Prevent rodent infestations by:

  • Sealing gaps and openings in your home’s exterior.
  • Storing food in rodent-proof containers and using traps if needed.
mouse control London

Winter: Battling Cold-Weather Pests

Winter ushers in a new set of pests, including foxes and silverfish, along with continued rodent activity.


Urban foxes can be a challenge, digging up gardens and even entering properties in search of food. Manage fox-related issues by:

  • Securing rubbish and compost bins to deter scavenging.
  • Using repellents or fencing to limit access.
Fox Control London


Damp winter conditions encourage silverfish infestations, which can damage paper, fabrics, and stored items. Address silverfish problems by:

  • Reducing indoor humidity levels to discourage their presence.
  • Storing books, documents, and fabrics in dry, sealed containers.
Silverfish Control London

By understanding the seasonal pest trends in the UK and adopting preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of infestations and enjoy a pest-free environment throughout the year. Whether it’s rats in winter or ants in summer, a combination of prevention, cleanliness, and targeted treatments can keep pests at bay. Embrace each season without fretting over pest-related problems, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable living space year-round.

Let’s talk about your pest problem. Call Beaver Pest Control London on 0208 355 3443


Wandsworth Business Awards

Triumph and Excellence: Beaver Pest Control Shines at the Wandsworth Business Awards

This week, we had a wonderful evening attending the annual Wandsworth Business Awards, a prestigious event that celebrates business achievements and innovation in the Wandsworth borough. This year’s ceremony brought together a diverse range of businesses from across the borough, celebrating successes in different categories. We are incredibly proud and excited to share the amazing achievements of Beaver Pest Control at the esteemed Wandsworth Business Awards 2023. These awards recognise our commitment to excellence, innovation, and outstanding customer service. We are celebrating our successes and reflecting on the remarkable journey that led us to win in multiple categories.

  • Innovation Award – Commended
  • Best Large Business – Highly Commended
  • Best Customer Service – Winner
  • Overall Business of the Year 2023 – Winner

Best Customer Service – Winner

This category acknowledges the exceptional role that customer service has in a business’s success. At Beaver Pest Control, we believe in the importance of excellent customer service. Our teams are dedicated to providing the best customer care and this award recognises all the hard work that has been carried out over the years to ensure our customers are happy. We ensure all our teams understand the importance of excellent customer care.

Overall Business of the Year 2023 – Winner

The Overall Business of the Year Award is the highest honour at the Wandsworth Business Awards. This special award celebrates a business that has excelled in all areas, including financial performance, customer satisfaction, innovation, and community engagement. It is an honour to be named the Overall Business of the Year 2023. We are immensely grateful to our dedicated team, whose hard work and effort have been incredible.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our customers, dedicated employees, and the Wandsworth community for their support. We are committed to our mission to provide outstanding pest control services, drive innovation, and exceed customer expectations. Our vision is “to have the happiest customers and the happiest staff in the industry” and these awards show that we are on the right path.

Credits to The Quick Brown Fox Video Production Ltd and Charlie Round-Turner for producing this video of the night.

Trend Analysis Pest Control

Embracing Cutting-Edge Solutions: Emerging Trends in Integrated Pest Management for Facilities Management

In today’s rapidly evolving world, facilities management is a growing sector. One significant challenge faced by facilities managers is the effective control and prevention of pests. As pests become more resilient and adaptable, the need for innovative pest management is at an all-time high. In this blog, we will explore the emerging Integrated Pest Management (IPM) trends that are revolutionising the management of pests to support Facilities Managers and highlight how Beaver Pest Control is at the forefront of these advancements.

Technological Advancements

The integration of technology continues to enhance IPM practices, providing efficiency and precise information. Remote monitoring devices, such as sensors and cameras, are now commonly used to monitor pest activities and identify infestations promptly. Beaver Pest Control’s Beaver 24/7 services use state-of-the-art technologies to provide real-time data, enabling proactive pest management strategies that prevent costly infestations. Reports are clear and easy to read providing relevant information for Facilities Managers. 

Eco-Friendly Approaches

Sustainability is a growing concern for businesses across industries. Facilities managers are increasingly seeking eco-friendly pest control solutions that minimise environmental impact. At Beaver Pest Control, we prioritise the use of environmentally friendly products, ensuring effective pest management while maintaining a sustainable approach.

Data-Driven Decision Making

The availability of enhanced Data and analytics continue to change how pest controllers approach pest control. Advanced software systems can analyse pest-related data to identify patterns, anticipate pest outbreaks, and optimise preventive measures. Beaver Pest Control harnesses the power of data analytics, allowing informed decisions and the implementation of proactive pest control measures tailored to the sites specific needs.

Integrated Pest Management Programs

To combat the increasing complexity of pest infestations, a holistic approach is necessary. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs combine multiple strategies, including inspection, exclusion, monitoring, and targeted treatments. Beaver Pest Control specialises in developing customised IPM programs, tailored to the unique requirements of each site. By integrating various pest control techniques, we ensure comprehensive and long-lasting results.

The incorporation of cutting-edge technologies, eco-friendly approaches, data-driven decision-making, and integrated pest management programs has become essential for successful pest control. Beaver Pest Control is committed to embracing these trends, providing London-based businesses with innovative and sustainable pest control solutions that deliver outstanding results. With our expertise and dedication, we strive to create pest-free environments that foster productivity, health, and peace of mind.

Remember, when it comes to pest management, prevention is key. Trust Beaver Pest Control to be your partner in combating pests and safeguarding your reputation. Contact us today to explore our range of advanced pest control services tailored to your specific needs.

school pest control

Creating a Safe and Hygienic Learning Environment with Professional School Pest Control in London

When it comes to providing a healthy and safe learning environment for students and staff, school pest control is crucial. Pests like rodents, bed bugs, and cockroaches can pose serious health risks and also cause disruption. If you’re a school in London, you need to prioritise pest control to ensure a clean and healthy learning environment.

Importance of Pest Control for Schools

School pest control is important because pests can cause health problems, including allergies, asthma, and infections. Pests can also damage property, contaminate food, and create an unpleasant learning environment. The most common rodents affecting schools are:


Rodents are common in schools in the UK for a variety of reasons. Firstly, schools provide an abundance of food sources, such as improperly stored snacks in students’ bags or crumbs left behind in classrooms and cafeteria areas. These attract rodents like rats and mice, which are known for their scavenging behaviour. Additionally, schools often have multiple entry points, including gaps in doors or windows, making it easier for rodents to enter and establish a presence within the premises. Furthermore, the warmth and shelter offered by school buildings make them attractive nesting sites for rodents seeking refuge from harsh weather conditions.


Cockroaches are also commonly found in schools in the UK due to several factors. Firstly, these resilient pests are attracted to the ample food sources available in school settings, including spilt food, uncleaned crumbs, and improperly stored snacks. Cockroaches are known to feed on a wide range of organic matter, making schools an ideal environment for their survival and reproduction.


Flies are another common nuisance in schools throughout the UK, and their presence can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, flies are attracted to decaying organic matter, including food waste and garbage. Schools, with their bustling cafeterias and communal spaces, can generate a significant amount of organic waste, especially if proper waste management practices are not in place. The presence of uncovered food, spilt drinks, or unemptied rubbish bins can easily attract flies, leading to their infestation. Additionally, flies can enter school buildings through open doors and windows, especially during warmer months when ventilation is necessary. Lack of proper screens or other preventive measures can allow flies to enter freely.


Bedbugs can be a common problem in boarding schools in the UK for several reasons. Firstly, the close proximity and shared living spaces in boarding schools create an ideal environment for bedbug infestations to spread quickly. These pests are notorious for hitchhiking on clothing, bedding, or personal belongings, allowing them to move easily between rooms and even travel with students when they return home during the school holidays. Furthermore, the dense population and constant occupancy of beds in dormitories provide ample hiding places and opportunities for bedbugs to feed on human blood during the night. If not addressed promptly, infestations can become widespread and persistent, affecting the overall well-being and comfort of students.


Birds can often be found in and around schools in the UK due to various factors. Firstly, schools are typically located in areas with green spaces, trees, and open areas that attract birds. These natural habitats provide birds with nesting opportunities, food sources, and shelter. Additionally, schools often have outdoor areas with gardens or playgrounds that offer additional attractions for birds, such as water sources, seeds, or insects. The presence of food waste or improperly managed garbage bins can also draw birds to school premises. Furthermore, the design of school buildings, including ledges, roofs, or open windows, can provide suitable perching or nesting sites for birds. While the presence of birds can add a natural and pleasant ambience, it is important to manage their populations to prevent potential issues such as droppings that can create health and hygiene concerns.

Professional Pest Control Services

If you’re a school in London or South East England, working with a professional pest control company is crucial specialising in school pest control. They will have the expertise, equipment, and experience to effectively control and prevent pest infestations in schools.

Benefits of Professional School Pest Control

Professional school pest control services in London can offer several benefits, including:

  • Ensuring a safe and hygienic learning environment
  • Reducing the risk of pest-related health problems
  • Maintaining a good reputation for the school
  • Protecting the school’s property and assets

To prevent pest infestations, schools can take several measures, including maintaining cleanliness, sealing entry points, disposing of rubbish properly, and repairing leaks and water damage. Regular pest control inspections and treatments by licensed professionals are also essential to prevent and control infestations. Professional school pest control in London is crucial to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment for students and staff.

By working with a reputable pest control company, schools can prevent and control pest infestations effectively. Don’t compromise the health and safety of your school community – prioritise pest control today.

Contact Beaver Pest Control on 020 8355 3443 for more advice or a free survey from one of our experienced surveyors.

DEC Turkey-Syria Appeal

Supporting DEC Turkey-Syria Appeal

The recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria was devastating for many families. Once we heard, our team jumped at the opportunity to start a fundraiser and show our support for the DEC Turkey-Syria appeal. This appeal was able to represent all the charities in the area and ensured that help got to where it was needed the most.

Our team initially started with a goal of raising £500, but with the generosity of our staff and the help of our wider community, we managed to raise a staggering £1288! We are overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness shown by everyone who donated to our cause. Our service, office and sales teams have all shown great kindness and charity to those in greater need.

We believe that in times of crisis, it’s essential to come together and support one another. We are incredibly proud of our team for making such a significant impact on the lives of those affected by this disaster and in particular David Pullinger, our Head of Service, for leading the campaign here at Beaver Pest Control.

The money raised went directly to the DEC Turkey-Syria appeal, where it will be used to provide essential aid, including food, shelter, and medical assistance, to those who need it the most. We hope all those affected will find support to rebuild their lives.

We want to take this opportunity to extend our sincerest thanks to all of those who contributed to the appeal. Your contribution has made a significant difference in the lives of those affected by this disaster.

In times of crisis, it’s crucial to come together and support one another. We believe that with the help of our wider community, we can make a real difference in the world. If you missed the opportunity to donate to our fundraiser, our page is being kept live so please continue to donate, or consider other charities you can support. Together, we can make the world a better place.

Office Pest Control

The Ultimate Guide to Office Pest Control

Pests in the office and be a major issue, protecting the health and well-being of your staff, as well as protecting the reputation of your business can be a difficult task. From ants and cockroaches to rats and mice, office pests can cause a horde of issues, and it’s important to know how to identify and control them. In this ultimate guide to office pest control, we’ll cover everything you need to know on keeping your office pest-free.


The first step in office pest control is identification. Knowing what type of pest you’re dealing with is crucial for determining appropriate actions. The most common office pests include ants, cockroaches, mice and rats. But there are many other types of pests that can find their way into the office, such as bed bugs, fleas and even birds. 

If you think you have a pest problem in your office, it’s important to act fast and contact a professional pest controller. The faster the pest is identified, the faster control measures can be taken which can minimize the damage caused by the pests and prevent them from spreading. Most pest control companies will carry out regular maintenance visits often at monthly or six-weekly intervals which will include a survey of the office to check for signs of pest activity. At Beaver Pest Control, our technicians undergo extensive training on pest biology, behaviour and identification so that they can find the early signs of a pest infestation and start treatment. 

Effective Office Pest Control

The next step is ensuring effective control measures are in place. There are a variety of control measures including chemical and biological controls. At Beaver Pest Control we provide integrated pest management which is a holistic approach to pest management, using a combination of strategies to prevent, reduce and manage pests. Wherever possible we use non-toxic and sustainable methods such as exclusion, sanitation and natural predators to control pests. 

“Beaver are a quality contractor, they’re very easy to work with, and their staff are very approachable and really go out of the way to help. They are always looking to bring innovation and have great communications. Their technicians Jamie Stevens, Brady Lerman, and their administrator Joe Lee are all spot on.”

Ben Ripley – The Barbican – City of London

Prevention is Key!

Prevention is key in office pest control. By keeping the office clean and reducing clutter, you can make your office less attractive to pests. Proper waste management is crucial as pests are often attracted to food waste. Our technicians, at Beaver Pest Control, will always leave recommendations after each visit on ways you support pest control. It’s also important to carry out proofing to seal up any cracks or holes in the office that could be used as entry points. As part of our contract, our technicians will seal tennis ball-sized holes and cracks on their regular maintenance visits. Our specialist proofing team are also on hand to help with larger or more complicated proofing jobs. 

Pests in the office can be a major problem, but with the right knowledge and techniques, control is achievable. Contact us at 020 355 3443 for more information about our corporate services.

Supporting Amnesty International

Our Beaver teams have always enjoyed the World Cup and the most recent one like the rest was met with excitement for our teams. We enjoyed the World Cup very much but recognise that processes, in particular leading up to the tournament, were not acceptable. Beaver Pest Control held a company sweepstakes but decided to donate 20% of the takings to Amnesty International. Four lucky staff shared out the rest for the money, the Winning team, the Runner up team, 3rd Place and the worst performing team all providing cash prizes, great fun and a good cause to support.

Drain Surveys carried out by technician in home in London

National Association for Drainage Contractors

In 2021, we decided to bring CCTV drain surveys in-house and train up a team of drainage experts. The majority of rat infestations are connected to drain defects. Therefore, carrying out the surveys ourselves allowed our team to use their knowledge and experience of rat behaviour to deal with rat problems quickly.

Our drain surveys differ from your standard drainage service. As pest controllers first and foremost, we can identify issues before they escalate into a larger problem. We use specialist tools to create maps of the drainage systems. We also provide a combined drainage and pest control report showing any drainage defects as well as any rat ingress points.

Our drainage team has been growing, gaining more experience, and undergoing specialist training. We have taken the decision to join the National Association for Drainage Contractors

Drain Surveys

Why we joined the N.A.D.C?

The N.A.D.C represents the interests of sewage and drainage operatives in the UK. As part of our membership, we will have access to more training, qualifications, and up-to-date industry news. Our work is carried out the highest standards incorporating our extensive knowledge of rat behaviour.

We are also keen to increase the presence of pest controllers in the drainage industry. As part of the industry, we will have a say in the future of drainage and can work with like-minded professionals to share knowledge and experiences and support homes and businesses across the UK to remain rat-free. 

What are the next steps for drain surveys?

More jobs, more training and more technicians. Our drainage team is expanding ensuring we have a range of qualified technicians carrying out high-quality CCTV drain surveys and repairs for homes and businesses across London & the South East.

For more information about drainage and rat control london contact us.

mouse control london

Signs of Mice

Mice are one of the most common pests affecting homes across the UK. They are known to spread diseases such as salmonella and listeria in their urine, droppings and bedding. The risk of food contamination with these pests is high due to their nature of marking their runs with urine. If you think you may have a mouse infestation, these most common signs of mice will help you know where to look.

8 Signs of Mice in your Home

1. Scratching sounds in walls or cavities

Your first step to getting a mouse-free home is to get your Sherlock Holmes hat on try and work out where the mice are getting in from. Mice only need a 5mm gap to gain Mice are often heard at night when they are most active, you may find you can hear scratching sounds from wall voids, under floorboards, basements or lofts. This is a tell-tale sign you may have mice in your home.

2. Mice Droppings

Mice will leave around 80 droppings per night. These will be small, black and a similar size to basmati rice. The most common places to find mouse droppings will be under the kitchen sink/cupboards, around boilers and in roof spaces. Droppings are one of the easiest ways to differentiate between rodents and tell whether it is in fact mice rather than rats.

mice and rat droppings comparison

3. Urine pillars

Heavy infestations of mice can result in urine pillars being created. This is when grease, dirt and urine build up over time and combine into a urine pillar. These pillars can be up to 4cm high and 1cm wide. 

4. Strong Smell

Mice urinate frequently and their urine has a strong smell like ammonia. This is often one of the first signs people notice when they have a mouse infestation, particularly in the mornings. This smell can linger even after the infestation has cleared.

5. Smear Marks

Sometimes referred to as grease marks; mice will leave behind grease-like marks on walls or pipes where they are frequently using the route and rubbing against the sides. Mouse fur contains oil to keep their coats in good condition, this is mixed with the dirt in their environment and often gets transferred onto surfaces they rub against often leaving behind dark grey marks.

6. Damage to furniture or food

Mice are continually gnawing to keep their teeth from growing too long. You will often find gnaw marks on materials such as wood, carpets, pipes, electrical cables, paper and furniture. This can cause damage to your property and can be a fire hazard if left unchecked. Mice will also use their teeth to gnaw holes in boxes in order to obtain food like cereals.

mouse damage to food pest control

7. Nest

Mice will create nests using materials such as cloth, paper, and wool. You may find a nest in a roof space, under floorboards or in wall cavities. Mice will look for a location that is safe, warm and with a good source of food nearby.

8. Sightings or track prints

If you spot a mouse, especially during the daytime, this could be a signal of a heavy mouse infestation. You may also see tracks of footprints or tail marks in hard-to-reach places that have accumulated dust and dirt. 

How to get rid of mice?

If you think you have mice in your home, and you have one or more of these signs of mice, you may be wondering what to do next. Our helpful, friendly teams are here to help you at each step of your journey to a pest-free home. Contact us today at 0208 355 3443 and one of our dedicated customer service team can give you advice and book a local technician to clear your mouse infestation.

Pest Business of the Year: Beaver Pest Control

National Pest Awards Winners 2022

On 8th September 2022, around 150 professionals in the pest control industry gathered at Hilton London Bankside for the National Pest Awards. The awards are held each year to recognise best practices and commitment to CPD and training by the UK’s pest controllers. Our award winning team at Beaver Pest Control had an evening to remember winning three of the ten awards up for grabs that evening. Beaver Pest Control was named Pest Business of the Year, Large Company of the Year. James Wood, our technical training manager was also named Pest Controller of the Year.

Pest Business of the Year

South London based, our company; Beaver Pest Control was crowned best of the best winning the coveted Pest Business of the Year. The judges said: “a fantastic business and a deserving winner of the big award”. To be recognised at this level is a wonderful achievement for the company and every one of our staff. They’re dedicated to seeing our company continue to grow and succeed. 

When interviewed by Pest Magazine about the award win, Julia Pittman, Sales Director said: “I think the most important thing for me is culture. We’ve got a good culture and our staff are proud of what they do here and the Beaver Pest Control name. They’re very dedicated to what they’re doing.” The company’s vision is to have the happiest staff and happiest customers in the industry. As part of this vision, a great deal of thought is put into how to support staff and maintain a positive culture in the business.

At the last AGM in May, we revealed a number of benefits to help staff through these difficult financial times including 4% pay rises and increased overtime rates. The company invests heavily in training and benefits in order to retain staff. “We rarely lose people from our teams and staff retention is currently 93%,” Julia said. 

How we are leading the way in pest control?

David Lodge, Director, after being named Large Company of the Year said: “I think it proves what we’ve been doing in the past is right, but there are still things to do. We’ve got to keep improving, but this is a great starting block to actually push to the next level. Winning the award validates all the efforts that we’ve put in over the years.” 

As a company our focus is on sustainable, proactive management of pest issues, so a significant amount of the time technicians spend on our customer’s sites, is utilised on inspections, proofing and habitat management. We have moved away from the old-school bait-box checking and implemented integrated pest management. We have a range of services grouped under the IERDC acronym: inspection, exclusion, restriction, destruction and communication. 

This is just one of the ways we are pushing the pest control industry forward and leading the way to a sustainable future for our company and the industry as a whole.

Find out more about the Beaver Pest Control journey from two brothers in tooting, London to Pest Business of the Year 2022.

House mouse inside a house eating food

How to get rid of mice? 7 Step Guide

Having mice in your home can be a very distressing and difficult time for anyone. Mice are known to carry and spread diseases such as Salmonella and Listeria through their urine, droppings and bedding. If you have noticed signs of a mouse infestation, it’s important to act quickly. Mice are prolific breeders and can have up to 12 pups each breeding cycle which can make clearing an infestation tricky. Use our 7-step guide to dealing with house mice to help you regain control of your home and learn how to get rid of house mice. If you’re facing a persistent mouse problem that seems impossible to tackle on your own, it may be time to enlist the help of a professional mouse exterminator.

Our 7 Step Guide: How to get rid of house mice

1. Identify the Source of Your Mouse Problem

Your first step to getting a mouse-free home is to get your Sherlock Holmes hat on try and work out where the mice are getting in from. Mice only need a 5mm gap to gain entry, as a rule of thumb, if you can fit a pencil through the gap, a mouse can get through. It is also important to identify the pest to ensure you are in fact dealing with a house mouse. Use our helpful rodent identification tool to help. 

2. Seal holes and entry points

Prevention is better than a cure so even if you don’t have a current mouse infestation, we always recommend homeowners and tenants carry out proofing to prevent entry to mice. Sealing holes with wire wool and quick-setting cement is the most effective form of pest prevention. Proofing is a long-lasting solution for mouse control and can be undertaken at any time. Focus on low-level holes or gaps first as these are the most likely culprits for mouse ingress. If these are all sealed and you still have ongoing mice ingress then consider higher-up vents or gaps.

Mouse mesh and vent covers are well used in pest control and building maintenance, particularly in urban areas like London where pest infestations are common.

Mouse mesh, also known as wire mesh or wire netting, is a finely woven metal screen typically made from materials like stainless steel or aluminium. They are designed to prevent rodents and other pests from entering buildings through small openings such as gaps in walls, vents, or pipes. Mouse mesh is highly effective because it’s durable, resistant to corrosion.

3. Restrict access to harbourage

Mice will build nests near food sources and will mark their territory leaving a strong smell. This means removing nesting materials is important to prevent mice from making themselves comfortable in your home. Clearing overgrowth and piles of wood or debris from your garden and making sure the mice can’t access your bins will help. Ensure your bins have tight-fitting lids and there are no holes in the base.

4. Remove food sources

Mice will eat almost any human food but prefer grain-based products. Mice are reliant on food and, if necessary, can go a month or more without water by extracting water from food sources. Whilst restricting access to food and water may not kill off the mice infestation, your home will be much less inviting for the mice. Mice will eat little and often so sweeping up crumbs from the floor and under cabinets is important. 

5. Install door sweeps or bristle strips

If your external doors have a 4mm gap, it would be a good idea to have bristle strips installed to prevent mice from gaining entry through the door. 

6. Use traps

If you have mice inside your home, you will need to still use mouse traps or poison to prevent the population from growing and eradicate the infestation. We recommend for amateur use; break back traps. 

*Use of over-the-counter poisons is restricted, and we know from ongoing research that mouse populations in London and some other cities are showing resistance to traditional rodenticides making these poisons ineffective. There is also a risk of secondary poisoning of birds and other creatures if used incorrectly. 

Break-back mouse traps should be placed near the mice activity (where you have seen the mice or found droppings). Ironically, cheese is not the best bait for most mice. We find mice prefer peanut butter, nutty chocolate, raisins or similar attractive foods. 

WARNING: When placing traps be sure to place them out of reach of non-target animals, children and pets.

7. Call the professionals

We always recommend using a professional pest controller to get your problem dealt with quickly, effectively and safely. Our local technicians have vast experience in dealing with mice in homes and can support you in clearing your mouse infestation and will give you advice and recommendations to prevent future mouse ingress. Our technicians have access to commercial-grade rodenticides if necessary which are effective for mouse extermination. They are trained to ensure the baits are placed in a safe way to protect non-target species, children and pets. 

Contact us today at 0208 3553 3443 to book a technician and resolve your mouse problem once and for all

Avishock installation

Abseiling & Pest Control

Abseiling!  We always thought this specialism was better suited to sub-contractors as it is so skilled and difficult / expensive to bring in-house.

But with the number of abseiling jobs increasing year on year, we made the decision to train our own team of abseilers. So led by Rafal Brymer (Head of the Bird Division) our brave bird technicians, Marcin Stolarek and James Craig started their training.  The intensive training took 5 full days and a 120 hours on the ropes.

We spoke to Marcin about his new skill:

How long was the training for?

I spent 5 full days on the training, both theory and practical. I spent round 120 hours on the ropes.

Do you get scared?

Sometimes and I am not scared of heights. If you are afraid of heights then it is a very scary job.

What do you find most difficult?

The job requires a lot of physical strength as you can see by the pictures. I don’t have to go to the gym anymore though.

What do you like the most about abseiling?

Hanging on the ropes 30 m above the ground and looking from the down.

So far our team have carried out a number of abseiling jobs. Our largest, most complicated abseiling job was for a hospital in Surrey. The hospital was undergoing re- cladding which meant that the old bird wire needed to be replaced in order to manage the local pigeon population. In total the team spent 240 hours on the work.

Check out out Bird Control specialist site for more information here or contact us and speak to one of our expert team on 0208 355 3443.

Fruit Fly vs Drain Fly

Preventing fruit flies and drain flies

Every month we receive a number of calls from restaurants and bars for help in preventing fruit flies and drain flies.

Preventing fruit flies is relatively straight forward and you shouldn’t need a pest controller to carry out a treatment for you. We could only carry out a knockdown treatment which would deal with the immediate problem but it is not a long-term solution. Fruit flies and drain flies aren’t particularly attracted to UV light either like other types of flies so EFK (electronic fly killers) are less effective in dealing with these types of fly.

The only long-term solution for these flies is to remove the breeding sites through cleaning.

Preventing Drain flies also known as Filter flies.

These tiny flies are very often found hovering by drains and stagnant water. The first job is to remove the breeding ground as they breed in the organic matter found in drains, grease, food and general sludge. Keeping drains free of this material will prevent drain flies breeding. It is important to remove stagnant and still water from anywhere where it is pooling.

Preventing Fruit flies

Fruit flies and drain flies are often confused with each other as they are similar sizes. Fruit flies have bright red eyes so if you catch one and look under a magnifying glass you will be able to tell.

As with drain flies, fruit flies can easily be dealt with by removing the breeding grounds. In this case it will be fermenting fruit, juice or wine.

In order to locate the breeding site, look for moisture, decaying or fermenting fruit or debris and warmth.

Some common breeding to check are:

  1. The bottom of refuse bins.
  2. The area where empty bottles of juice or fizzy cans are stored prior to recycling.
  3. Under food preparation areas or the gaps in-between worktops.
  4. Standing water under fridges or ice machines.
  5. In between or under damaged floor tiles.
  6. Do not leave damp mop heads facing down in the bucket in a warm store cupboard or speak to your cleaning team if you have commercial cleaners. Turn the mops upside down and make sure there is enough air for them to dry out properly.
  7. Fruit left out which is starting to ferment.

Once you have found the breeding site, it is just a matter of cleaning it thoroughly. Stagnant / still water, warmth and organic matter are all these insects need to breed.

Remove the environment and you will remove the problem.

rat control London

Signs of Mice in Your Home

Do you have mice in your home? Look out for these signs of mice and be in control of your home.

Mice tend to come out when it is quiet resulting in them being more active at night. They live for around 12 months, are pregnant for only 3 weeks and a single pair can be responsible for producing hundreds of mice within one year. As they produce around eighty droppings in a day and urinate wherever they run they can soon contaminate a large area. Like rats, they have teeth that continually grow and need to gnaw to wear these down in size resulting in a lot of damage.

1. Droppings
You are likely to see dark brown droppings, approximately the size of a grain of rice. A mouse can leave up to 80 droppings a day so don’t be surprised if you see a lot of droppings. Places to check are under kitchen kick plates, in the cupboards under the sink, and in corners.

2. Smear marks
These marks are harder to identify if you are not sure what you are looking for. Smear marks are a build-up of grease, hair and body fat which a mouse will leave as they travel around. They look like dirty smears and are normally signs of a heavy or prolonged infestation.

3. Damage
Rodents have to continually chew to keep the size of their incisors down to a manageable size. This means they will chew through packaging, wood, plaster, and cables. This chewing can be a serious risk as chewing cables has resulted in fires.

4. Noise
You may hear rustling noises in the walls, under the floors or in the ceilings. Once in a property mice will travel around the building looking for food and nesting materials. They quite often use the pipework for water and gas as a run. This enables them to travel under flooring and above in ceiling voids.

5. Nests
Mice use easy-to-shred materials such as cardboard, paper and tissue to make their nests. The nests will be un-disturbed areas so if you are having a spring clear-out and come across a pile of shredded paper it could be mice.

If you think you have these signs of mice in your home then call a professional pest control company. Although you can do it yourself, a professional pest control company will help you identify the entry points to prevent re-occurrences in the future.

rats in library

Preventing mice by proofing

The best way of preventing mice is to stop them from entering the building in the first place. Mice can get through extraordinarily small holes, some not much bigger than the width of a pen. Mouse proofing is a quick and effective way to stop mice entering the building.

So how can you stop them from coming in?

The trick is to understand how mice move around a building and what is likely to attract them. Preventing mice will help reduce the risk of damage to your building.

The first thing to do is to check the outside of the building. Air vents and holes in brickwork can all be access points.  Mice can climb rough brickwork so even if the hole is above ground level there is a risk that it could be used. Block broken vents with vent covers or mesh. If using mesh make sure it is small gauge mesh.

If you are in a block or a terrace of buildings it may be that the mice are entering your building via another building in the same block.

Mice are likely to be drawn to areas where food is available. To proof these areas will mean removing kickboards and potentially appliances. Mice usually travel via the holes made for the pipework. Pipework will normally travel through the entire building and sometimes connects to other buildings. In these cases block proofing will become necessary.

If you have large holes you will probably need a builder to work in conjunction with a pest control company for the pest result. Smaller holes can be filled by your pest control company. It is better to use a specialist as they will have access to specialist materials. Mice can easily chew through expanding foam so this on its own is not usually good enough.

Mouse proofing is not as expensive as you may think and will go a long way to keep pests out. If you don’t proof then you are likely to have reoccurring problems.

For free advice on proofing contact the proofing team on 02083553443.

Pigeon Control London

Pigeon problems ? We can help humanely

Pigeon problems can be very challenging to resolve. Pigeons and Gulls in particular can easily displace to other areas of a building. As well as this, the latest Wild Birds and Netting Guidance issued by RSPCA puts the responsibility on all building managers or owners of properties with netting to set up a system to regularly check for trapped birds. Legal action using The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 can be used if birds are getting entangled in broken or poorly-installed netting. Humane pigeon control can be carried out using our specialist systems and expertise.

It is vital to take into account bird behaviour as well as the building type, so the specialist contractor should spend time identifying the species and very importantly, looking at
how the birds are using the areas in the vicinity. Individual areas are then classified into types of ‘pressure’ depending on the behaviour of the birds. Interestingly a building may have several individual areas with different pressures.

High and Medium Pressure Locations

High-pressure locations are night roosting and nesting areas. These areas are very important to birds and are likely to be in sheltered areas. Birds will be persistent in trying to return to these places so extensive proofing will be required. Alternative locations will suffer significantly from displacement.

Medium pressure locations are feeding and loafing areas. Loafing areas are where birds rest or sunbathe during the day and are normally south-facing sunny ledges and roofs. Nearby areas are likely to suffer from displacement and well-designed proofing will be needed to ensure that the birds cannot access these areas again. Light pressure locations are ‘look out’ places and some loafing areas; simple proofing will suffice here and displacement is unlikely to be a significant problem.


Once the building has been classified by pressure type, we then look at the various bird control options. Due to the variety of options, it is very important to match the proposed solution to the type of building, bird species and type of pressure. Buildings very often have a combination of products installed. We classify products into those that physically prevent the birds from landing on the building such as netting, spikes and bird wire, and those that alter birds’ behaviour:

Avishock is an electric track, that is low profile and emits a low electric shock when a bird tries to land on the track. No harm is caused to the bird however they associate
the ledge with danger and will displace elsewhere.
Bio-acoustics; these can be handheld, vehicle-mounted or permanently mounted depending on the area. Bio-acoustic systems emit distress calls specific to the target species, which means they associate the area with danger.
• Lasers can also be handheld or mounted. Birds recognise the constantly moving bright laser beam as a physical threat.
• Eagle-eye is a fairly new product that is eco-friendly. Birds are irritated by the reflected light beams which flash at different angles from the unit, which rotates.
Falconry relies on a bird of prey, usually a Harris Hawk, which is flown on a regular basis to establish a territory that the birds will then avoid.

All of these products are good solutions but only if deployed in the right situation taking into account the building, the bird species and their behaviour. Get it wrong and it can be very costly. Humane pigeon control is available, contact us to discuss your site further.

Bird Free Gel

Bird Free Gel – It’s magic !

We first discovered Bird Free gel in 2012, it was a product new to the market in 2011. We were sceptical at first and it took a lot of persuading and evidence before we really bought into the benefits of the gel.

But once we got it, we really got it.

2016 was our busiest year so far, and we laid 7050 pots of Bird Free gel. Quite often we will combine Bird Free gel with other bird control methods to give the best possible solution to our customers. It’s very important to lay the gel according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pots which are laid in incorrect formations or too far apart from each other will not have the desired effect.

For those of you unfamiliar with Bird Free gel, it’s an optical gel using UV in a way which creates an optical illusion which looks like fire to bird species. As well as creating the optical illusion of fire. Birds are also repelled by the smell and the stickiness of the product. Dominant birds will continue to try and land on the building for a few days. However even the dominant birds will move on once they smell and touch the gel.

Through our work, we discovered the gel is particularly effective on feral pigeons and gulls. Interestingly it didn’t affect the Harris Hawk which carried out some falconry work recently. No harm is caused to the birds and the gel pots are visually more aesthetically pleasing than spiking or bird wire.

Contact us to find out more about how this product can help you.

FM pest control

Heard of cable bugs ? Help my office has fleas ! or does it ?

We get calls on a regular basis for offices where people are being bitten by insects. Or are they? Quite often the problem is not fleas or other biting insects but ‘cable bugs’. Although cable bugs are very common they are not widely known which is why most people automatically think of fleas.

What are cable bugs?

The name is a bit of a misnomer as there are no ‘bugs’ involved. Basically, static electricity causes the sensation of bites and can also cause red marks which can be mistaken for bites.

When called out for fleas or reports of biting insects in an office the most important thing to do is to rule out fleas or other biting insects. Identification is key to a speedy resolution. Repeated insecticide treatments will not solve a static electricity problem long-term and may cause skin irritation.

In pest control, we do not spray as a ‘precaution’ anymore. Now we need to have evidence that there are fleas present in the office.
If the investigation finds no evidence of fleas then it is more than likely to be a problem with static electricity.

What can I do if my office has cable bugs?

Firstly reassure your staff that they are not imagining things because they aren’t. Tell them that the ‘bites’ are being caused by static electricity. Women can be more affected because of the nylon in tights and also if they wear sandals.

The carpets can be treated with an anti-static spray and this may need to be done on a semi-regular basis to keep the static levels low.

Purchase anti-static mats to sit under the desk chairs.

Low humidity in an office can cause static so try to increase the humidity in your office by using humidifiers. Some plants like a weeping fig or the peace lily can also increase humidity in an office.

For further advice call 0208 355 3443.

masonry bee

Bees or wasps ?

At this time of the year we regularly get calls into the office asking for treatments for bees nests, wasps nest and hornets. It’s important to know if its bees or wasps we are dealing with.

Calls for bees nests at this time of the year normally turn out to be honey bee swarms. These swarms are commonly confused with a bees nest because they contain a large number of bees sitting in one spot for a few hours to a few days.

Bee keepers

We want to protect important pollinators like honey bees as much as possible and we can normally arrange for a bee keeper to come and collect the swarm. Honey bee swarms are not usually aggressive and will normally fly off after a couple of days.

For more information about honey bee swarms visit the The British Bee Keepers Association’s website which has lots of useful information including a list of bee keepers who are willing to collect swarms.

Queen wasps are commonly seen at this time of year looking for nesting sites. Queen wasps are larger than normal wasps and are sometimes confused with hornets because of their size. Wasps nests become a problem in the late summer/ autumn months and it is very unlikely that you will find a wasps nest this early in the season. If you are seeing a number of large wasps in April/May then it is almost certainly Queen wasps.

Another common sight at this time of year are solitary bees, typically Masonary bees or Miner bees although there are many different varieties. These bees are non aggressive and will only sting if you pick them up or stand on them. Miner bees are likely to be on the ground so watch out for these. They will disappear in a few weeks. Tell tale signs of these bees are single holes in the ground or soft brickwork.

If you see bees please try to leave them alone, they are very important to the environment. If you are not sure which species you have or are worried please call 020 8355 3443. One of our trained staff will be able to help you.


Bed bug treatment – what you need to know

I once read a newspaper article showing people are still being misinformed about how to eradicate bed bug infestations, which got me thinking about this morning’s topic – what do people need to know about a good bed bug treatment? For the purposes of this article, I am talking about insecticide treatments.

What should you know about an effective insecticide bed bug treatment?

Bed bugs generally hide in cracks and crevices and come out (normally at night) to feed on the host (us or sometimes pets). They are attracted by carbon dioxide and warmth. When we treat a room with insecticide we know that the insecticide will not reach all of the bed bugs and that is why it is important that a person sleeps in the room. Their body warmth and breathing draw the bed bugs out where they then come into contact with the insecticide.

So short-term pain for long-term gain.

It is important to remember that bed bugs are not known to cause disease although sleeping knowing there is an infestation is unpleasant.
The alternative is a heat treatment which should kill the bed bugs immediately. They can try and escape sometimes and it isn’t affordable for everyone.

You also need to know that if you treat for bed bugs and leave the property empty for a few months as in this case, it is very unlikely to work. The bed bugs will sit in their cracks and crevices for up to a year. As soon as the family move back in they will come out to feed attracted by the CO2 in their breath and body heat.
By then the residual effect of any previous insecticide would no longer be active.

And they are back to square 1.

It is not necessary to throw away furniture normally. Although bed bugs will normally live in and around the bed area, in bad infestations they will be found behind pictures, trunking, and wallpaper. I have seen them behind wall cladding which all had to be taken down. The video shows bed bugs hidden behind a coat rack.

This particular hotel could have thrown away all of the furniture in the room and replaced it with new and it would not have made a difference.

Things to remember for a bed bug treatment using insecticide:

• You have to sleep in the room for the insecticide to be truly effective.
• It will require a minimum of two treatments approx. 3-4 weeks apart. This is so any newly hatched nymphs come into contact with the insecticide.
• You MUST do the room prep before treatment.
• Do not hoover the room for 7-10 days after each treatment.
• Washing clothing and linen at 60c will kill bed bugs.

If you don’t want to do the above then you should consider paying the additional cost for heat treatments.

Working together with your pest controller will help clear the infestation in the quickest possible time. Contact us for more information.

bedbug control London

Understanding Bedbugs!

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small, brownish, flattened insects which feed solely on blood.

Although bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) prefer feeding on humans, they will also bite other warm-blooded animals.

Bed bugs are found all over the world and in the last few decades have become a major problem in the UK private rental and hospitality sectors.

These insects are extremely adaptable and their resilience means they are responsible for causing many sleepless nights for guests, tenants and homeowners.

Signs include irritating bites, stains on sheets, and egg cases. Although not known to carry disease, the irritation and distress they cause is enough to make them a significant problem.

They are active nocturnally and live in small cracks and crevices. At night they find us via the carbon dioxide we emit when sleeping.

A female bed bug will produce between 1- 7 eggs per day for about 10 days after a single blood meal. She will then have to feed again to produce more eggs. It generally takes a month or two for the life cycle to complete from egg to full-grown bed bug. Eggs can be laid singly or in groups and a wandering female can lay an egg anywhere in a room.

Once the bed bug has had a blood feed it will return to a crack and crevice to find harbourage.

As they have expanded from the feed they sometimes cannot fit back into the crevice they had been in.  To fit into the gap they will expel a black liquid. This is haemoglobin and waste blood from the feed, the iron in the blood creates the black spotting effect.

This spotting can sometimes be the first indicator of bed bug activity.

Where to look for bed bugs?

Places to look if you think you might have bed bugs.

  • Bed frame
  • Seams of the mattresses
  • Curtains
  • Under the carpets
  • Behind switches
  • Along skirting boards

If you do find evidence then call a pest control company that will be able to treat the infestation quickly for you. 020 8355 3443

bed bug locations in bedroom

Are you a Managing Agent or Housing Association with a block problem?

We can help you if you have a block problem whether it is Mice, Rats, Pharaoh Ants or Cockroaches. Our experienced teams can offer block treatments to deal with your pest problems.

Recent successful jobs include a 160 flat block treatment for cockroaches and a mouse block treatment for two blocks of 70 flats each in Lambeth, London. We also help managing agents with pharaoh ant treatments.

But why are so many block treatments unsuccessful and expensive? And how do our teams manage to be successful where other pest control companies aren’t?

The answer lies in access.

We plan our work so that we access as many flats as possible in one go. This means a team of highly skilled technicians working together to organise access into the properties. We aim for a 90% access rate.

This is then repeated two or three times over the next 30 – 60 days depending on the level of infestation within the block. This process has been very successful for us regardless of the type of pest.

Common pests requiring block treatments

Mice tend to be the most common pests in blocks. Once in a block they can easily move around from flat to flat using the pipes and electrical conduits as highways. They can easily enter from outside through uncovered vents and bin rooms.

Rats are usually attracted to overflowing refuse and can be a sign of a drain problem. Drain surveys are often required to find the source of the infestation along with an upgraded refuse service.

Pharaoh ants – these hardy pests are common in warm blocks with central heating. Quite often tenants will make the infestation worse by trying to self-treat. Self-treating with DIY ant insecticides cause the nest to ‘bud’ as they have multiple Queens. The workers send messages back to the Queens who then create satellite nests.

Cockroaches – generally blocks suffer with problems related to German Cockroaches (Blattella germanica). These are normally found hidden in fridge motor housing, sinks, and refuse areas.

Stop wasting money on unsuccessful block treatments – talk to the experts

If you have a block problem contact Beaver on 020 8355 3443 or e-mail office@beaverpest.co.uk and one of our helpful friendly team will arrange for a free site survey with a specialist surveyor.

clothes moth removal

Clothes Moths – Spotted damage to your carpets, furniture or clothing ?

You could have textile pests, Clothes Moths or Carpet Beetle. The most common textile pests are either the Common Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella) or Varied Carpet Beetle (Anthrenus verbasci.)

Common Clothes Moth

Common Cothes Moths are a silvery/golden looking moth about 5-6 mm long. Female Clothes Moths tend not to fly and are normally be found in dark corners looking for sites to lay eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae which is the life cycle stage which causes damage to your carpets, furniture or clothing. The larvae grow to about 8mm long and will happily eat anything that contains natural fibres. The larval stage can take a couple of months to a few months depending on the amount of natural fibre available and how warm the temperature is.
If you see a clothes moth on the wall it is likely to be a male as the females normally run or hop along the floors. It also means that you could already have a larval infestation taking place so check carpets, furniture or clothing for signs of damage. Typical damage will show as holes in clothing or carpets looking threadbare in areas.

Varied Carpet Beetle

As with the Common Clothes Moth it is the larvae of the Varied Carpet Beetle which cause the most damage. Adults are generally seen in April, May & June looking for nesting sites. In October the larvae is normally at its most destructive phase so this is the time to look out for holes in carpets, furniture and clothing.
Carpet Beetle larvae love natural fibres so any carpets, furniture or clothing with a high wool content will be at risk. They will also eat fur, hair and feathers.
The larvae is small, about 4mm, covered with brown hairs and will roll up when disturbed. They do not bite but the hairs can cause a rash in some people.
Hoover thoroughly all furniture, carpets, cupboards which contain natural fibres especially in corners and behind furniture.

If you have noticed clothes moths damage, our expert team can deal with textile pests professionally. Call Beaver Pest Control 0208 355 3443.

Bird Control MEWP

How Beaver have improved sustainability in Pest Control operations

Case Study

How Beaver have improved sustainability in Pest Control operations

Author – Julia Pittman
Company – Beaver Pest Control
Title – Head of Sales

We are growing quickly so improving sustainability while continually training new staff and maintaining service levels is a challenge. In the last 3 years we have increased our staffing numbers from 28 to 60 and increased our turnover from £1.8M to £3.6M. We have always had a green ethos and regularly look for new ways to improve sustainability and reduce carbon emissions:

Using Footmen and zoning to reduce carbon emissions.

Regional – We are still a regional company covering London and the South East. As our portfolio grows our areas become denser which reduces travel time and driving miles. Our company strategy is to stay regional and continue to increase route density which will make us more sustainable.

Lightfoot – After a successful trial our entire fleet is now fitted with Lightfoot. Lightfoot encourages better driving through the monitoring of engine revs and a reward system for elite driving. We have been amazed by the response of our team. Technician’s who were previously considered poor drivers, are now top of the elite drivers scoreboard. The system is predicted to reduce fuel costs by 20%.

Green zone – Our first Green Zone was SW17, our home. We now have a Central London Green Zone where pest control is carried out by seven foot technicians covering SW1,W1, WC, SE1 and The City. All travel is either by foot or using public transport. Equipment and materials are stored at our Central London stores reducing the need for our vehicles to enter Central London. We are now in the process of expanding the Green Zone to W2, W8,W14 and SW5.

Increasing sustainability through technology

New system – All reporting is now electronic, with reports e-mailed automatically to the customer two hours after the visit is completed. This new system has reduced the need for hard copy reports, paper, printing, and has improved efficiency. For large group customers report are e-mailed direct to site and also to head office. This gives head office complete visibility over any pest issues on site without the need for site visits.

Whatsapp – As well as e-mailed reports we use secure Whatsapp’s group for our larger group customers. The group is used for site pictures so that facilities managers can see what is going on without the need for a site visit.

This system has really improved communication between site and remote FM’s.

Motion sensor cameras – Motion sensor cameras are available to monitor activity on site. Activity is e-mailed back to the Beaver office by the system for analysis.

Bio-acoustic systems – We use bio-acoustic systems as bird deterrents. These systems operate 24/7 and deter birds from nesting and landing on the buildings permanently. The system just requires a 3 monthly visit by a technician to check operations and adjust any of the computer generated distress calls. 


Beewise – Our team sit on special interest groups for the British Pest Control Association. The aim of the Beewise SIG is to provide education and advice which protects bees from unnecessary treatment.

To find out more about Beaver Pest Control please contact Julia Pittman, Julia@beaverpest.co.uk, 07943152502

Charity Walk

Busy Beavers walking the talk for The British Heart Foundation

On the 12th May 2018 two of our Beavers set out to walk from Staines to Henley, a gruelling 50km.

It was a grey and rainy day but Rafal Brymer (Head of the Bird Division) and Marcin Stolarek (Bird team) marched through it. They completed the 50k walk in 9 hours and 55 minutes beating their target time of 10 hours by 5 minutes.

The trek took them through Windsor and Cookham before arriving in Henley and hugs the river Thames for much of the way. Although it’s quite a flat route it does include a couple of hills and the challenge to walk a mammoth 50kms (31 miles) can never be underestimated.

In total our busy Beavers walked 53.13 km, an average of 5.3 kms an hour. This added up to a massive 58084 steps for Rafal and 78000 for Marcin.

They raised £250 for the British Heart Foundation and we are very proud of them.

Fruit Fly vs Drain Fly

Drain fly or fruit fly problems ?

Do you have problems with drain flies or fruit flies?

Preventing these pests is all about hygiene practices, identifying the breeding sites and removing them. Fruit flies and drain flies aren’t particularly attracted to UV light either like other types of flies so EFK (electronic fly killers) are less effective in dealing with these types of fly.
The only long-term solution for these flies is to remove the breeding sites through thorough cleaning.

How we can help you.

Beaver Pest Control has a dedicated environmental fly prevention team. If you keep getting problems with these pests we can carry out a full audit for you, locate the breeding sites and our specialist team can deep clean these areas for you. The audit will help support due diligence and can be shown to EHO’s.

Preventing Drain flies also known as filter flies.

These tiny flies are very often found hovering by drains and stagnant water. The first job is to remove the breeding ground as they breed in the organic matter found in drains, grease, food and general sludge. Keeping drains free of this material will prevent drain flies breeding. It is important to remove stagnant and still water from anywhere where it is pooling.

Preventing Fruit Flies

Fruit flies and drain flies are often confused with each other as they are similar sizes. Fruit flies have red eyes though.
As with drain flies, fruit flies can easily be dealt with by removing the breeding grounds. In this case it will be fermenting fruit, juice or wine.
Moisture, decaying or fermenting fruit or debris and warmth and typical breeding sites.

Try checking these places:

1. The bottom of refuse bins.
2. The area where empty bottles of juice or fizzy cans are stored prior to recycling.
3. Under food preparation areas or the gaps in-between worktops.
4. Standing water under fridges or ice machines.
5. In between or under damaged floor tiles.
6. Do not leave damp mop heads facing down in the bucket in a warm store. Turn the mops upside down and make sure there is enough air for them to dry out properly.
7. Fruit left out which is starting to ferment.

Once you have found the breeding site, it is just a matter of cleaning it thoroughly. Stagnant / still water, warmth and organic matter are all these insects need to breed.
Remove the environment and you will remove the problem.

Need our help? Call 0208 355 3443 to talk to our customer service team.

Beaver 24/7: Digital Rodent Monitoring

About Beaver 24/7

Beaver 24/7 is a brand new digital remote monitoring service offered by Beaver Pest Control to detect rodents quickly and efficiently. Remote monitoring uses traps connected via a network to produce alerts of rodent activity on a particular site. Expert pest professionals cannot be replaced as rodents may avoid traps and other pest problems would remain undetected, However, the technology from automated monitoring systems is invaluable for providing an alert system that works all day, 365 days a year. Together, the result is a faster response to potential infestations.

Data provided by the monitors serve as an indication to areas of significant activity across your site. When paired with a live capture trap, technician response time can be reduced enabling swift and humane rodent control. Check out our case study for more information.

Our Service

  • Electronic control of traps available 24/7 online through the portal either via desktop or app
  • In addition to your regular technical visits, Beaver 24/7 will help you comply to your required auditing standards
  • Trend mapping of site to locate problems areas for more efficient and long-lasting solutions
  • Ability to detect false-positive catches to limit unnecessary callouts resulting in potential savings
  • Non-toxic digital trapping provides intergrated and sustainable pest control solutions

Contact us today to see if Beaver 24/7 can help you maintain a pest-free environment in your workplace! Digital remote monitoring is an innovative approach to pest control that lets us sort any ingress before it becomes an infestation.

Fox Control London

Using CCTV to support our techs!


CCTV has been around a long time, but there are always new ways to use the technology in different industries. At Beaver, we recently have invested in a monitoring camera to aid surveyors and the Wildlife Team. The camera is 100% wire-free and it operates on 4G-LTE and 3G networks. It can be used both, in and outdoors allowing us to monitor sites 24/7.

The camera doesn’t require a power connection as it operates from a rechargeable battery that lasts for 2/3 weeks. It has also a Solar Panel connectivity option to support long term settings. The camera is controlled via mobile app with a live view option and it can be rotated in any direction offering 360˚ views. Once the motion sensor is triggered, a short video is captured and the user is notified via the mobile app.

The camera will allow our wildlife team work more efficiently eliminating unnecessary journeys. Plus, having a live view of the site will allow our team to attend and deal with trapped animals, whether target or non-target, without any delays. Over the past few weeks one of our Surveyors; Marius, with the help of one of our trained technicians; George H, have been testing it on number of fox jobs with a great success.

We also used it in a loft to detect active bird species following resident complaints. This is a great use of technology to support our teams.

Read more about our fox control and bird control systems.

mouse control london

Humane Rodent Control

In the UK there are four species of rodents which can be commonly found within homes and gardens: the House Mouse, Wood Mouse, Yellow-Necked Mouse and Brown Rat. Though they can cause problems within dwellings, there are a number of humane rodent control methods we can use to keep your home safe.

What do they look like?

House Mice are small rodents (between 7-9cm) and can be found in dwellings any time of the year. They often range from light to dark brown shades and can be distinguished by their almost hairless tail. By comparison the Wood Mouse (also known as a Field Mouse) is slightly larger at 8-10cm. These are the mice most commonly found across the UK. They can be distinguished by their sandy brown fur, white or grey underside, very large ears and long tail. Wood Mice are not usually found in buildings, except during winter. 

Yellow-Necked Mice are restricted to rural areas in central and southern Wales and England. They are much bigger than other species of mice, ranging from 9-12cm. Despite looking similar to Wood Mice, Yellow-Neck Mice can be distinguished by a distinctive band of yellow/orange fur around the neck area, forming a bib on the chest. 

Lastly, the Brown Rat (also known as the common or sewer rat) can grow between 15-27cm. Greyish-brown in colour, they have a large, slanted head with relatively small ears and an almost hairless tail.

Humane Rodent Control

Within homes and gardens rodents are attracted to food sources and shelter. Mice and rats will eat almost anything, therefore bird seed, pet food, rubbish piles, bins and compost heaps attract these rodents. However, there are ways you can humanely deter rodents from accessing your property:

  • Reduce access to food sources by clearing away crumbs, putting away pet food at night, sealing food (particularly foods like cereal, bread, pasta and dried pet foods) and ensuring bins/food containers are rodent-proof.
  • Block holes with either a strong, quick-hardening sealant or mouse mesh. Caulk, rubber and plastic fillers won’t work as rodents can easily chew through them.
  • Rodents are deterred by smells such as peppermint and eucalyptus, therefore by soaking cotton balls in these oils and placing them at key points (under cupboards, along work surfaces, along beams) it will help to discourage rats and mice. Remember to keep replacing the oils.
  • If you feed wildlife, ensure that the food is gone by the evening as rats and mice tend to be most active at night.
  • Remove harbourage that can provide shelter to rodents such as overgrown grass or bushes, wood piles or general clutter.
  • As rats and mice are neophobic (a deep fear of new things or changes), move garden furniture or other objects around your garden; new obstacles will confuse and alarm rodents used to a ‘static habitat’.

What if I continue to have rodent problems?

Sometimes, despite taking all the right precautions, people continue to have problems with mice and rats. However there a plenty of non-toxic solutions that can be opted for in lieu of traditional baiting. At Beaver Pest Control, we practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This is a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and chemical tools in a way that minimises economic, health, and environmental risks.

Proofing and Exclusion

The most effective use of a technician’s time is to provide proofing to close off entry points which stops pests from entering the premises. Quite often the access holes for mice and rats are hidden behind kitchen and bathroom units, but with the necessary expertise and tools, our specialist technicians can get to those difficult to reach holes.

Remote Rodent Monitoring

Remote monitoring services such as Beaver 24/7 detect rodents quickly and efficiently by using traps connected to a network to produce alerts when there is activity. As the system rely on sensors supplemented by UV tracking dust and hotspot maps, it does not require the use of toxic baiting. This reduces potential harm to non-target species.

Mechanical Trapping

Good quality break-back traps are often considered a humane form of rodent control as it kills the pest instantly, rather than prolonging any suffering. To minimise the risk to non-target animals, where possible, livestock and pets are excluded from the trapping area and the traps are set in natural or artificial tunnels. 

For further advice regarding rodents in the UK, prevention, treatments and regulations surrounding rodent control, please click here: RSPCA Living with Rats & Mice

Rat in drain

Drain surveys – drain company or pest control company?

Scenario – You have an on-going rat problem and your pest controller has advised you to carry out a drain survey. Your existing pest control company does not have the ability to carry out a drain survey.

Should you commission a drain survey company or another pest control company? Does it matter? They are all drain surveys, right?

Well yes and no.

What is a drain survey?

A drain survey should include a comprehensive inspection of your drainage system. The purpose of the drain survey is to identify any damage to the drains which could allow rodents access into your building. Common signs are when rodents are seen or damage is identified in toilets or bathrooms.

Recent studies in Denmark found that 90% of rat activity came from the sewage systems.

Following the drain survey, you should expect to receive a full written report with pictures showing the state of the drainage system. Some of these reports can be very technical and quite incomprehensible to the layperson. It is important that reports are clear and pinpoint any issues. It is also important that the remedial issues are identified and costed. Drain repairs can be very costly so it’s important that the correct issues are identified within the report.

Pest control company or drain company?

It’s true to say that both the drain company and the pest control company will use similar equipment to survey the drainage system. These include sonde’s which map the drainage system and any redundant inlets. They will both use drain cameras and will probably also use dye testing if required.

However, the pest control company will better understand the behaviour of rats and the likely points of ingress. This knowledge is key to making sure the correct areas of concern in the drainage system are identified and fixed. Missing them can be very costly.

We would recommend that you ask the following questions before commissioning a drain survey:

  1. Can I see an example report?
  2. How long will the survey take?
  3. How are your engineers trained to identify rodent activity?

If you would like further advice on drain surveys, please contact 0208 355 3443 and speak to one of our friendly customer service team.

charity walk saharan desert

84km Charity WALK

Director Julia Pittman and her daughter Natasha Kulinski walked back to back Marathons through the Moroccan wilderness ending in the Sahara desert to raise money for SEED. We raised £2150! 

The Charity

I (Julia) met Gemma Oaten (Ex Emmerdale actress) at a networking event organised by the Wandsworth Chamber.

Gemma told us the story of how she navigated mental health services as a child and how her family struggled. As a result of their experience Gemma and her family set up SEED.

SEED is a small charity with big ambitions. They have created a toolkit for schools to help support and educate teaching staff.

The tool kit is currently to be used in Key Stage 3 & 4 and there are plans to develop this further into a tool kit for primary schools.

The tool kit comes with lesson plans, work sheets and videos. But of course all this takes money to develop. The money we raise will help this very important piece of work.

Why I wanted to do this?

I have always tried to do an annual charity event. I feel it’s important to give back where you can. As a family we used to donate our time to Rock Corps; Give, Get Given which was a brilliant initiative.

Recently though I have become disillusioned with large charities and had decided to stop. Personally I have to really believe in what I am doing to be able to ask people to part with their hard earned cash.

That changed when I met Gemma and listened to her story. As a mother and grandmother of children with mental health challenges I know first-hand how difficult life can be.  Sometimes life is really hard and having a focus on something other than work and mental health is really important.

Hence this walk !

Our work family at Beaver have been truly supportive of this endeavour and will be cheering us on from the Wandsworth Business Awards which coincidentally falls right in the middle of our walk. As a company Beaver values corporate social responsibility and encourages employees to give back to their communities.


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