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mouse control london

Signs of Mice

Mice are one of the most common pests affecting homes across the UK. They are known to spread diseases such as salmonella and listeria in their urine, droppings and bedding. The risk of food contamination with these pests is high due to their nature of marking their runs with urine. If you think you may have a mouse infestation, these most common signs of mice will help you know where to look.

8 Signs of Mice in your Home

1. Scratching sounds in walls or cavities

Your first step to getting a mouse-free home is to get your Sherlock Holmes hat on try and work out where the mice are getting in from. Mice only need a 5mm gap to gain Mice are often heard at night when they are most active, you may find you can hear scratching sounds from wall voids, under floorboards, basements or lofts. This is a tell-tale sign you may have mice in your home.

2. Mice Droppings

Mice will leave around 80 droppings per night. These will be small, black and a similar size to basmati rice. The most common places to find mouse droppings will be under the kitchen sink/cupboards, around boilers and in roof spaces. Droppings are one of the easiest ways to differentiate between rodents and tell whether it is in fact mice rather than rats.

mice and rat droppings comparison

3. Urine pillars

Heavy infestations of mice can result in urine pillars being created. This is when grease, dirt and urine build up over time and combine into a urine pillar. These pillars can be up to 4cm high and 1cm wide. 

4. Strong Smell

Mice urinate frequently and their urine has a strong smell like ammonia. This is often one of the first signs people notice when they have a mouse infestation, particularly in the mornings. This smell can linger even after the infestation has cleared.

5. Smear Marks

Sometimes referred to as grease marks; mice will leave behind grease-like marks on walls or pipes where they are frequently using the route and rubbing against the sides. Mouse fur contains oil to keep their coats in good condition, this is mixed with the dirt in their environment and often gets transferred onto surfaces they rub against often leaving behind dark grey marks.

6. Damage to furniture or food

Mice are continually gnawing to keep their teeth from growing too long. You will often find gnaw marks on materials such as wood, carpets, pipes, electrical cables, paper and furniture. This can cause damage to your property and can be a fire hazard if left unchecked. Mice will also use their teeth to gnaw holes in boxes in order to obtain food like cereals.

mouse damage to food pest control

7. Nest

Mice will create nests using materials such as cloth, paper, and wool. You may find a nest in a roof space, under floorboards or in wall cavities. Mice will look for a location that is safe, warm and with a good source of food nearby.

8. Sightings or track prints

If you spot a mouse, especially during the daytime, this could be a signal of a heavy mouse infestation. You may also see tracks of footprints or tail marks in hard-to-reach places that have accumulated dust and dirt. 

How to get rid of mice?

If you think you have mice in your home, and you have one or more of these signs of mice, you may be wondering what to do next. Our helpful, friendly teams are here to help you at each step of your journey to a pest-free home. Contact us today at 0208 355 3443 and one of our dedicated customer service team can give you advice and book a local technician to clear your mouse infestation.

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