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January 2024

Void Clearance Before 2

The crucial role of Pest Control companies in void clearance jobs

Why should pest control companies get involved in a void clearance?

Void spaces that have an excess of waste and hoarding materials are prone to the most extensive pest infestations. These infestations increase the contamination risks for waste clearance staff. It is very difficult to clear a pest infestation from a void clearance, so it is normally safer and more cost effective for the pest control company to clear the infestation and the waste simultaneously. 

Expertise in Pest Identification

Pest Control surveyors bring a wealth of specialised knowledge and experience. They will be able to identify a diverse range of pests that could potentially have taken up residence in the void space. Correct identification of pests is crucial in void clearance jobs. Many pests thrive in hidden, unoccupied spaces. Surveyors will be able to look for the subtle signs of pest presence in order to put plans in place to protect the workers carrying out the service from potentially hazardous materials. 

Several pests, such as rodents, insects and birds, are known to carry diseases that pose a risk to human health. Void spaces are a breeding ground for these communicable diseases such as Hantaviruses, Salmonella and Ornithosis.

Specialised Equipment and Techniques

Pest control technicians have a variety of specialist products and equipment to ensure the void spaces are left safe for future occupants. ULV (ultra-low volume) machines can be used to decontaminate the areas and ensure any disinfected fully. The technicians will use a  commercial biocide, approved only for professional use through an ultra-low volume machine to eliminate viruses and bacteria on all surfaces. The microscopic droplets created using the ULV machine will penetrate surfaces, cracks and crevices.

Any pest infestations that are active can be treated alongside the void clearance service to optimise the effectiveness of the treatment. It is common for pest controllers to treat multiple pests within a void space such as rodents and cockroaches or bed bugs.

Proactive Prevention Measures

Following the clearance, pest controllers are best placed to provide proofing to ensure rodents are unable to return. With void clearances, we tend to find the infestations have been ongoing for a long time and rodents in the area will be familiar with the access points to the premises. Carrying out proofing following a void clearance job is the best way to prevent further infestations.

Time and Cost efficiency

Undoubtedly, pest control will need to be a part of your plan to deal with void clearances. If you instruct an alternative company to carry out the clearance, you will first need a pest control team to deal with any active pest infestations, and clear any droppings, urine and dead pests found on the site before the cleaning takes place. At Beaver Pest Control, we have experienced scenarios where the void clearance team have had to stop carrying out the service part way through the job to allow pest control back in to carry out treatment and clearances of hazardous pest waste that wasn’t initially accessible before carrying on. This has delayed jobs and cost more in the long run to carry out the extra call-outs. 

This is why we, at Beaver Pest Control, have decided to invest in our specialist team to carry out void clearances. We use our knowledge and expertise in pest control to ensure void clearances can be carried out safely and efficiently.

Void Clearance Before
Void Clearance Before
Void Clearance After
Void Clearance After

If you would like to find out more about our void clearance services, contact us on 020 8355 3443.

squirrel control London

Our top squirrel deterrent tips for protecting your attic this winter!

Squirrels aren’t usually the first animal that springs to mind when we talk about pest control. But, as with all of the pests we deal with, once they are in your home, they certainly are pests!

If you have ever had a squirrel in your attic or are worried it could happen to you then these top squirrel deterrent tips will help you keep your home squirrel free.

Squirrels can be an issue all year round. However, the winter months, from September to March while the temperature is at its lowest, are the most common times for squirrels to find their way inside.

Why do squirrels go into attics?

Attics provide a warm and secure place for squirrels to make nests and shelter from the harsh weather outside. A squirrel nest, called a drey, is usually made in a tree from twigs, branches and leaves. However, given the opportunity, squirrels will come into an attic and use twigs and branches they may bring in. They will also use any insulation or shredded papers and boxes they may find in your attic to make a nest.

Our top 5 tips on how to prevent squirrels

Your Garden: Squirrel Deterrent

Whilst you can’t prevent squirrels from entering your garden, there are ways to make your garden less welcoming. This in turn will reduce the likelihood of them entering your home.

Tip no. 1: Trim and tree branches that overhang your roof or near your roof. These are used as pathways for squirrels to access the roof. Squirrels can jump from anywhere between 8ft – 12ft so consider this when cutting back your foliage. The same goes for dense ivy on your building, this can be used as a ladder for squirrels giving easy access to the roof.

Tip no. 2: squirrel deterrents; use squirrel guards or baffles on your bird feeders to make your garden less inviting. If squirrels know they are unable to get food easily in your garden they will move on to easier pickings.

Squirrel leaps from rooftops to tree branches

Your Home: Squirrel Deterrent

If the squirrels have managed to get past the garden defences, then the next step it to ensure your home is secure. 

Tip no. 3: Proofing! Seal all entry points to your attic using metal plates or mesh. Squirrels are strong and can gnaw through softer materials so expanding foam won’t cut it.

Food Storage

Squirrels are attracted to live in close proximity to humans due to the abundance of food. We leave food in our gardens for the birds. We leave our rubbish bins full of food outside. Their basic need for food keeps squirrels coming back time and time again. 

Tip no. 4: Keep any bird feed or nuts in secure, airtight containers to prevent squirrels from getting access to them.

Tip no. 5: Keep your bins sealed with lids on to prevent squirrels from finding food sources.

Hopefully, these top tips will help you prevent squirrels from getting in your attic. If however, you find yourself coming across this article too late and you already suspect you have a squirrel in your attic, our team of local, professional pest controllers are here to help.

Call our team on 020 8355 3443 to find out treatment options for squirrel removal or request a free call back.

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