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Let's talk about your pest problem. Call Beaver Pest Control London on 020 8355 3443


Beaver Pest Control offers a root cause inspection service to help identify and resolve the underlying causes of pest infestations. This service involves a thorough examination of the property to determine what is attracting pests and how they are accessing the building. The inspector will look at factors such as food and water sources, harborage areas, and entry points to create a customized solution to prevent future infestations. By addressing the root cause of the problem, Beaver Pest Control’s service ensures long-term solutions, rather than just temporary fixes, to keep your property pest-free.


Rodent Control

Find out what other services we have available to deal with rodents.

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Insect Control

Find out what other services we have available to deal with insects.

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Bird Control

Find out what other services we have available to deal with birds.

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Benefits of Root Cause Inspection

Is this service right for me?

Beaver Pest Control's root cause inspection service provides long-term solutions through a thorough examination and customized approach to prevent future pest infestations.

Long-term solutions

By identifying and addressing the root cause of the pest problem, the service provides long-term solutions to keep you pest-free.

Customized approach

The inspector will create a customized solution based on the specific needs of your property and pest problems.

Thorough inspection

The inspector will perform a thorough examination of the property to identify all potential factors attracting pests.


The service focuses on preventing future infestations, rather than just controlling current ones.

Root Cause Inspection Brochure

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